8| Know You Won't Tell Nobody Bout Me

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry baby," I apologize and it finally breaks her. She finishes my arm and gets to work on my face, slowly swirling the healing cream on my cheek. With her magic, the bruises will be gone by the morning. 

"I know I can't stop you, but I hate it when you get hurt. It hurts me," She tells me and I stare into her focused gray almond-shaped eyes. Her sweet lips so close to mine that I can't help but just tilt my head forward to give her a gentle peck.

"I thought I told you not to come to my fights," I remind her and she avoids my gaze. 

"I wanted to be proud of you and I tried, I really did. But I guess I'm just too weak to watch my baby get hurt," She pouts and I laugh, wrapping my unharmed arm around her. 

"You're so sweet baby girl," I purr as she finishes my forehead and kisses the tip of my freckled nose. 

"Juni, you've got to stop being so hard on yourself. I know these fights are stress-relieving but you shouldn't have that much stress to begin with," Kara eyes me closely as she wraps her fragile arms around my shoulders. 

"I can't help it, Kara. I've just got so much on my mind with becoming the next alpha, watching over Wei, keeping up this bitchy front," I sigh as she curls her fingers through my hair. 

"And stop being so hard on my baby Wei, it's not his fault he doesn't know the truth," She says and I'll admit she has a point but I have to do my job as his sister. 

"I know but my papa told me it's my job to keep him at bay and watch after him. If the slightest thing goes wrong Kara he could kill us all," I tell her and she nods. 

"I understand but he doesn't know he killed thousands of people, he doesn't know the true depth of his powers and he doesn't know he's a God," She reminds me as if I didn't already realize this. 

"But he also doesn't know how to control his power. No one does. I might be the goddess of winter but the worst I can do is cause it to snow on the island. He caused a tsunami." I tell her and she narrows her gaze. 

"I just want Wei to think he's normal and live a happy normal life with his normal mate and have normal kids. I don't know why my fathers told me not to say a word but I do think it's unfair," I tell her honestly with a small tear falling down my cheek. 

"That's not an excuse babe, there's a difference between protecting him and being overbearing. You are overbearing and mean. Wei is more powerful than you'll ever be and that's just a fact you need to face. But with that being so, I'm sure he will always respect you as his sister and alpha," Kara says as she kisses my unbruised cheek and curls up on my lap. Exhausted and drained, I rest my head on her shoulder as I take in her sweet strawberry perfume. 

Was it perfume or was it her real scent? 

I'm too afraid to ask with one being temporary and the other meaning forever. 

"I love you so much," I confess for the billionth time in our years of quiet laboratories, dark corridors, and carefully plotted hideaways. My little secret that I want to keep to myself forever and ever.

 I'm not ashamed to be with her, I'm ashamed of what it would mean for her if my burdensome name was associated with her sweet innocence. 

They would laugh and call her my slave. 

When really she's my angel. 

 Kara giggles into my neck as I feel her warmth radiate in my soul and cradle my lover close.

"I love you too," 


Had a terrible day at work cause it was so stressful, I'm physically sick to my stomach. Writing helps a lot but I have to sleep so I can do it all again tomorrow. 

Reading y'alls comments brought a smile to my face in the darkness and seeing how much you guys love this book really warms my soul. I'm so thankful for each and every one of you, even the silent people who don't comment l have my appreciation. 

I've never cared about numbers. I write from my soul when I'm tired and weak and the words flow out in the creation of characters who take a little piece of me with them as they flow through the pages. 

I've been writing this series with this family since I was twelve years old as a bedtime story for my brother. My teacher in middle school pulled me aside after taking my notebook from me during class and read my stories later that night. I thought I was going to be disciplined the next day but instead, I received nothing but words of encouragement and was told I have a gift. 

I really don't think I'm that special, but I always held her encouragement close to my heart. 

I started on here just 3 years ago, posting works with 1 view a month and my first vote always coming from myself.

 It wasn't until December of last year I reached 10K for the first time and cried. Now Crimson Heart has 2K in 8 days and its predecessor Animals now has 300K. Totaling all of my books, they come close to almost 1 million reads. 

Like what? holy shit guys.

I can't believe so many people have actually looked at my books and gotten lost in their pages. I hope I can take you from your worlds of reality, no matter what situation you're in, to a fantasy world that helps you forget just for a little while. 

Thank you so much, I'm so grateful for these accomplishments that three years ago, I never thought possible. 

And to those with something to say, never be afraid of hitting publish. 

~Ryley Kalem


(Btw just gonna copy and put this in Animals too so don't worry when you see a new chapter for that) 

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