Stubborn as ever

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Injured Levi x reader | fluff

This probably had to be one of the worst expeditions ever, many lives were lost and those who came back had immense injuries. You were a selfless person and because of that you denied any medical assistance. You figured that there were other cadets and ever corporals who needed that help more than you.

You laid on your back looking up at the white ceiling trying to ignore the pain that was coming from your abdomen. Your roommate, Mikasa, had just gotten back from the infirmary and noticed you laying down closing your eyes with small tears forming at the corner of your eyes. "Y/n?" She asked to which you responded with a 'hm.' "Are you okay?" "Yup, I'm fine," you said but by the tone of your voice she knew you were lying. Mikasa then noticed you right arm gripping on to your abdomen, same way you did when you had cramps. This helped her quickly identify where your pain was coming from.

"Did you go to the infirmary as soon as we got back?" She asked playing dumb, of course she knew you didn't. She knew how selfless, and on top of that, stubborn you were. "Yeah," you lied, "they told me I was fine and that resting should heal it." Mikasa sighed but nodded, she knew that no one would be able to convince you and so she didn't even bother trying.

A couple hours went by and it was now close to midnight, the pain had not gone down whatsoever. You slowly and carefully stood up and headed to the bathroom. You lifted your shirt up revealing a huge bruise on your abdomen area. The greens and purple so vibrant that it was terrifying. Shit.

Despite you denying the medical care earlier you figured to go and at least get it checked. Plus it was late who else could be there at this time?

You knocked on the infirmary door and there was no response. You sighed and were about to walk away when the door was slammed open, "oi brat where the fuck are you going?" Says an all to familiar males voice, you turn meeting Levi's gaze. "Uh my room sir," you respond noticing that Levi was also in a horrible state. He had bruises and cuts visible on his face and blood that had gone through his white uniform shirt. "Don't you need assistance?" He said pointing at your arm that was still gripping on to your abdomen. "No sir, trust me I'm fine." You try to speed walk back to your room but Levi's harsh tone stops you once again. "Come back here you brat. It's an order." He snarls. You sigh annoyed, he knew that you would never disobey anyone who was above you and so he used that to his advantage.

You walk into the infirmary where it was just you and Levi. Well shit. "Where's the medical team?" You asked taking a seat on the corner of the bed where he was laying. "Tch how the fuck am I supposed to know," he responded. Despite his tone, you felt bad for the man. He was always in the front lines and the fact that his injuries weren't treated as a priority baffled you.

You spotted the cleaning materials and instinctively you stood up and grabbed them then began cleaning your own cuts that were along your legs.

Levi stared at you confused, "Tch you brat how do you even know what you're doing?" "My mother was a nurse for the Survey Corps. Sometimes she would bring me to work and I would watch her do this all day long." You said reminiscing on those days making your lips tug into a small smile. Meanwhile, Levi remained silent watching you clean and cover your wounds. Then for the large bruise you found an ointment and some elastic bandages. Without caring about Levi you removed your shirt and began rubbing the ointment on the bruise then you wrapped the elastic bandage around it. "Uh corporal, can you clip this shit for me?" You ask referring to the bandage. He nods and clips it assuring that it is tight enough.

You began putting your shirt back on but you looked over at the man who sat on the bed still looking like absolute shit. "Corporal?" "Hm" "Do you want me to clean you up?" You asked bashfully fearing that he would turn you down harshly but to your surprise he didn't instead he sighed and nodded.

You began by cleaning his smaller cuts, which were mainly around his face, with a cotton ball and some alcohol to disinfect it. You began with his cheek where the more open cut was. You placed to for a brief second before removing it followed by Levi's hisses. "Sorry," you dabbed the cut once more and repeated until the blood was completely gone. You the put a small band aid to prevent infection.

Then you reluctantly placed your thumb on his chin to bring his bottom lip down to get a clear view of his busted lip. "Holy shit corporal did you bite your lip?" You ask tugging his lip down gently revealing a huge wound. "Just Levi," he said as you prepared the second cotton ball. "But yes and it was an accident." "Alright Levi this one is going to be a pain the ass." You say followed by his nod gesturing you to proceed. You did and he hissed in pain, louder than before, he gripped on to your wrist looking at you. "Sorry," you mumble, "but you can't say I didn't warn you." He rolls his eyes and lets you go, "keep going." You nod and do as told.

Once that was done Levi began removing his jacket, followed by his shirt, revealing his toned figure. Meanwhile you were having a hard time controlling you blushing face but it went away and soon as you saw his wound on his lower side. The bruise was even bigger and nastier looking than yours that you couldn't help but cringe at the sight. "Tch if you don't want to touch it I'll do it," he groans. You shake your head, "no it's fine I'll do it I just didn't expect it to be that bad, " you respond honestly.

You rubbed the ointment on his body still trying to ignore your mind but it was too late. Levi had noticed your beet red face as you were rubbing your fingers on his toned body. He found it adorable. You sighed and wrapped his side with the elastic bandages before removing yourself from his side and going to wash the remaining ointment from your hands. "You're done," you say but that didn't make Levi move a single inch.

"Y/n" "yeah?" "Come here." You obeyed and walked up to him standing up in front of him as he remained seated on the side of the bed. He grabbed your hand and brought you closer until he could reach your waist. Placing his hands on your waist while your were placed on his shoulders. He was now looking up at you but you notice his expression was different, his usual cold gaze was softer and comforting. Without thinking you placed your hand on his left cheek, Levi smirked and lovingly leaned in to your touch. Your lips were slightly parted shocked by what was happening. He stood up being careful with his wound but one did he did his hands traveled up to your face cupping your cheeks and bringing your face close to him, close enough to feel his warm breath on yours. You groaned in frustration and finally leaned in connecting your lips with his. Levi at no moment pulled away instead he hugged you by your waist pulling you closer to him and deepening the kiss.

After a few minutes the two pulled apart due to the lack of air. Levi's eyes were still shut and he was breathing heavily and for once since you joined the survey corps you saw the man smile. It was small but it was genuine.

Levi Ackerman | OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now