Baby Eren

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Levi x reader + baby Eren | fluff

"Uh y/n and Levi," says an all too familiar females voice from behind you. Levi sighs and drops his spoon full on soup. "What do you want shitty glasses?" Asks Levi glaring daggers at her. "Um I need you twos assistance," she says rubbing the back of her neck. "With what exactly?" You ask, Levi, who was sitting beside you, turns to you and aggressively shakes his head. "What?" You ask him. "Don't go along with it you brat," he snarls. "Uh well I wasn't asking for you. I'll help I just need to know what it is." You say rolling your eyes at Levi. "Good come with me," says Hanji grabbing your wrist and dragging you out the mess hall.

"You're really just going to let her take y/n like that?" Erwin asked Levi teasingly. "She volunteered," he responds bluntly continuing his meal. However, Levi couldn't stop wondering what Hanji wanted from you and him. He let out his iconic "Tsk" and stood up leaving Erwin.

Levi walked to Hanji's lab but before he opened the door he decided to press his ears against the door and attempt to hear what was happening inside. He heard y/n's laughter along with a smaller kids giggles. "He really likes you," says Hanji laughing. Levi finally knocked on the door waiting for Hanji. "Shorty! You came," she yells dragging Levi inside. Levi's gaze met yours as you held a small child who resembled Eren. Levi blushed at the sight, he had imagined you being the mother of his children one day and seeing you being instinctively nurturing made his heart skip a beat. "Hi babe," you say walking to him with the child in your arms. The boys large teal looked at Levi with admiration before his hands reached out to him. "Want to carry him?" You ask Levi who was looking at the boy curiously. He nods and you hand the child to him.

"I knew you two would be perfect for this!" Exclaims Hanji. "What exactly is going on?" Asked Levi as the child nuzzled his face in the crook of Levi's neck with his small thumb in his mouth. "Hanji accidentally turned Eren into a baby for a day," you respond. "So you're telling me this brat is Jaeger?!?!" He asked eyes wide opened in shock. You nod and look at Hanji for her to explain further. "You see I got curious about how titan shifters age but I think I made a mistake." "You think?!?!" Yells Levi furious but his eyes softened seeing Eren who was now staring at Levi before giggling. "Yeah anyways I figured you and y/n would be the best to take care of Eren for the day." She says clasping her hands together. "Why exactly us though?" You ask. "Well you and Levi are a couple and out of everyone in the survey corps I think you two are most likely to become parents first." She says making you and Levi look at each other blushing. "Dada," says Eren placing his small hands on Levi's face making you laugh. "So?" Interrupts Hanji. "I'm in. You?" you ask looking at Levi for his response. "Yeah," he says making Hanji jump with joy.


"Where the hell are you going?" Asked Levi as you were about to head out the door. "Training," you respond sassily pointing at the sports bra and leggings you were wearing. "You're really leaving me alone with that brat??" "Well yeah, I can't really beat the shit out of Jean and take care of a child at the same time." Levi rubbed the temple of his forehead in frustration, "he's sleeping on our bed right now plus I promise to take over once I'm done but in the meantime he's all yours," you say opening the door. "Hey you're forgetting something," Levi points at his lips blushing. You chuckle and run up to his desk giving his a quick kiss before running out. "Love you!" You yell slamming the door shut.

About 30 minutes of silence and work had gone by before Eren walked out of the bedroom and into Levi's office. The small boy carried a blanket as he walked towards Levi's desk, he rubbed his eyes his eyes tiredly and reached out for Levi once again. Levi sighed and carried the boy placing him on his lap. Eren then began to try and grab Levi's paper work, "No don't touch that you brat." Scolded Levi as Eren's giggles filled the room. Then Eren managed to get his hands on the tea cup. Luckily it was almost gone so Levi let Eren take the last sips. In that time you walk in to see your boyfriend letting Eren drink tea.

"Oh god I leave for a few minutes and come back to see you doing this shit." You say dabbing the sweat off your forehead. "Hey language!" You widen your eyes and look at Levi surprised. "Excuse me since when does THE Levi Ackerman care so much about cussing??" You ask trying not to laugh. "Since I became a father," he mumbles poking Eren's cheek. You couldn't help but smile seeing how well Levi was taking 'having a child for a day.' You were well aware of Levi's childhood and how he grew up in the underground with his mother who unfortunately had to turn to prostitution to sustain him. You knew that Levi wanted nothing but the best for his future kids and give them the best childhood he can provide.It warmed your heart seeing how he responded to baby Eren and only made you even more excited about having a future with him, you could tell he would be an amazing father.

"Tch go shower you brat. You stink." Says Levi making Eren giggle. "Stinky," said Eren making you eyes widen. "How rude," you respond touching your chest offended. "You heard the child, love." Says Levi with a smirk. You roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him causing Eren to do the same. "You see what you're teaching him!" Says Levi. "You deserve it," you respond going into the bathroom.

After your shower you made sure to fulfill your promise and let Levi do his paperwork peacefully so in the meantime baby Eren was all yours. You sat on the floor of Levi's office as Eren brought you toys that Hanji had given him. He would hand them to you and you'd thank him, once he ran out of toys you would hand them back and he would try to thank you. Meanwhile, Levi was having a hard time focusing on his work, he couldn't stop gazing at the adorable sight in front of him. He eventually gave in and joined the two of you and for once, since he became a corporal, forgot about his paperwork.


It was now dinner time, Eren sat on your lap nibbling at some baby carrots that Levi had given him. "Aww you look like a cute small family," says Hanji taking a seat across from you and Levi. You laugh and look at Levi who is looking down trying to hide his blushing face. "What is going on here? Who's this little guy?" Asked Erwin as he took his seat next to Hanji. "It's cadet Jaeger. Hanji over here somehow turned him into a child." You say making Hanji giggle nervously. "Is that so?" Asked Erwin looking at Hanji. "I swear it was an accident" she says putting her hands up in surrender. "Plus look at how cute y/n and Levi are with him!" "Yeah, I must admit it's pretty cute."

At this point Levi's face was crimson with embarrassment. He never showed his soft side and the constant teasing was one of the many reasons for that. "You ok?" You ask Levi noticing his blushed face. He nods and continues eating.


Levi walked out of the shower and couldn't help but blush ag the sight in front of him. You laid on the bed with Eren snuggled up by your side, falling asleep in your arms, as you hummed a lullaby. You look up meeting Levi's gaze and give him a bashful smile. Meanwhile, he stood there frozen and eyes wide open. It felt like he had fallen in love with you all over again.

"I can't wait for you to have my children," he mumbled loud enough for you to hear. He walked over to you and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. "I can't wait either. I know you'll be an amazing father." You say the bright smile never leaving your face.

"Anyways I should probably take him back to Hanji," you look at the brunette boy who was already fast asleep in your arms. "I'll take him." You carefully hand him over the boy making sure he won't wake up. "I love you," he says on his way out. "I love you too Levi."

Levi Ackerman | OneshotsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα