Should we try to get it back?

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I didn’t know how to respond to that either, what he just said, the way he responds to my questions blows me away.

“My mom was right about him” I blurted out load but in a low voice but Austin still heard me.

“Was right about what?” he asked.

I didn’t want to respond at first because he wasn’t spouse to hear that I don’t even know why I said it out loud. It was meant to be an inside thought.

 “Oh nothing just that you’re nice that’s all” he laughed

 “Of course I’m nice to my girlfriend but to others not so much.” We both laughed

 “Oh is that so” I said he just nodded and said “yep”.


 “Yeah” he replied

“Were we happy together?” he smiled that amazing smile that seems to get to me.

I wonder if this was how it was before I lost my memory when he used to smile.”

 “Yeah I believe so I know I was with you and still am just talking to you right now. I believe you were happy with me your mother always thanks me for making you the happiest you have ever been. I’m still happy with you, making you happy makes me happy and my world so much better. I can’t even describe how glad and thankful I am that you’re okay and this memory loss thing will be the hardest thing we will have to go through but we will work together and make this work no matter what! I want to continue to make you happy for the rest of my life. So this is like starting over for you and getting to know me and my mom again because you are a part of our family.”

This was like the final thing he said just now that convinced me to give him a chance how I could not.

“Wow! I really don’t even know what to say right now hearing you say this…hearing you say all of this I must be the luckiest girl to have had a guy like you, a boyfriend like you.”

Austin brought his eyebrows together was he upset with what I just said. “

What?” I said giving him a confused look which started to be my signature look he then smiled

 “You said “to have had” last time I checked you still have me.”

 I then begun to laugh “yeah well I don’t know you, and I have to go home with you which I’m not the type to go home with strangers, I don’t think so the last time I checked am I? We both laughed even though I was being serious and then I continued.

“But since you’re my stranger boyfriend I guess I can make an exception” We both laughed (Paramore only exception begins to play out of nowhere) just kidding.

Austin’s POV

            (y/n) is still the same silly girl I remember glad she is still herself and glad I can still make her laugh even with all that’s going on and she makes me laugh still helping me to take my mind off of what’s going on. After laughing and talking with her I heard her stomach growling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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