I'm so confused by it all

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  • Dedicado a MaDajia Aka Dajiavoo



AN: I have the worse spelling and grammar ever and not sure if this will be a good fanfiction so just bear with me. If you like it let me know and comment if you want me to continue this thanks. This story is kind of like the vow but I change it up and made it my own.

        I woke up in the hospital my vision was blurry, so I blinked a few times to clear it. I finally got my sight in focus and the doctors were standing over my bed. A woman who was older looking and then a young guy who looked about my age I'm guessing he was my doctor, a very, very young one at that. The older women nurse begun to speck

 "(y/n) you were in a very bad car accident but you're okay." I looked around a bit panicked by what she said

"What happened doctor?" I said looking in the doctor’s direction.

He looked confused and looked at the nurse who looked at him and then back to me.

"Well you hit your head pretty hard on the windshield being that you were not in your seat and your boyfriend here...

“I quickly interrupted "boyfriend?"

 The nurse look at the boy who I thought was my doctor then turn back to me and said "yes." then the doctor came to sit next to me on the chair by my bed.

"Babe?" he said trying to grab my hand but i pulled away before he could because I was so bewildered.

‘I don't know who he is did she just say he was my-what? Oh my!’

 When I pulled away he had the most hurt look on his face I could ever see on a person’s face.

After a few seconds of silence he went outside the room where I was left all alone trying to process this whole situation.

While I'm guessing they went to talk.  

Austin’s Pov

        I walk out into the hallway with the nurse so I could understand what was wrong with (y/n).

 “You said that there was nothing wrong with her, that everything was fine.” I said desperately wanting answers.

“Well Mr. Mahone something’s are hard to detect especially memory loss it’s not physical damage on the inside or out to detect on the cat scans we did on her but will have to do more test on her tomorrow. In many cases memory loss is reversible with treatment depending on the cause of it. Like some drugs can but some medication can cause more damage to the brain but we will have to do some more test to figure out the best solution for (y/n)’s case.” The nurses Rebecca informed me

.           “More tests that may can cause more brain damage oh my will she ever gain it back or will she not know who I am for, ever?” My voice cracked at the end of my question not wanting to take that last part even in to consideration it just hurts to much.

Austin Mahone is my what?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora