Later that night

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Later That Night

            “Austin I’m heading home are you staying here with (y/n)?” I looked at Austin wanting to know his reply not wanting to be left in this rat hole alone. I hate hospitals so much.

 “Mom what type of question is that of course I am mom you know I am.  Only if (y/n) is okay with me staying with her?”

 He said turning to me asking for permission. I looked at him and nodded my head “yeah that’s fine I don’t want to stay here at all let alone, alone” he laughed “ I know you hate hospitals so that’s why I want to stay with you by your side.”

He gave me a warm smile and I smiled back relived I wouldn’t have to stay here alone.

“Okay well then I’ll come back tomorrow to pick you guys up , I know you have a cat scan to get done daughter and then you should be able to come home”

 ‘did she just call me daughter?’  I thought to myself.

“Oh uh okay that’s fine” Austin gave her a look that I could tell means not to do that again.

 “I’m sorry” his mom said I spoke before he could

“its fine you’re use to calling me that so it will just take some time for to get used to it I guess.”

 “That’s why you’re my favorite” Michele said to me. I smiled then Austin gave her a fake smile and said “very funny” I couldn’t help but laugh.

Soon Michele left and it was just me and Austin left in the room.

“Glad we can finally be alone now” Austin said

“Uh yeah” I said a little weirded out by what he said.

 I started to laugh and so did he and then we both couldn’t stop laughing it was a full on laugh attack to where every time we looked at each other we would laugh.

 Then he said one of these random made up words that sounded like what my cousin would make up. I started laughing about what he said and we stated laughing some more I swear his smile was to die for and I couldn’t even stop laughing for about five minutes to where it was hard for me to breathe.

 “Haha can you breath babe” he said and I slowed my laughter down

 “oh my did you just call me what I think you called me… feels weird to hear that from…” Austin cut me of midsentence.

 “I know I know to hear that from some stranger who you barely know who happens to be your boyfriend who you don’t even know or remember.” He finished a bit sad and upset.

 “No that’s not what I was going to say but okay haha” I laughed at him trying to finish my sentences for me.

“oh sorry what were you going to say?” he asked.

“I was going to say it feels weird being that no one has ever called me that from what I can remember which isn’t much well If I could I hope you’d be the only one to call me that.”

He looked surprised when I said that to him and really happy.

He laughed at the last part “yeah I hope I’ve been the only one and continue to be the only one but no need to hope we will make sure of it.”

            I just smiled a little weird that he wanted that to be so, ‘I mean just look at him why  would he want to be with a girl that’s like me I’m not  well in my option I am but like I’m just the average  no supermodel that’s for sure. Why on earth did he want to be with me all this time? How long have I and he been together anyways.

 I realized while I was doing all of this thinking I was staring at him the whole time doing so.

“Are you okay?” he asked

“yeah I’m fine, so how long have we been together?” He smiled

 “We have been together 2 years and 4 beautiful months best 2 years and 4 months of my life!” I looked away

“Oh wish that I could say the same I guess” I said in a whisper but I knew that he could hear me because he soon spoke.

 “you will and if not soon then these months that go by with you will be your new best moments of your life I’ll do anything to make sure of that, I’ll make you remember why you fell in love with me in the first place.”

I was shocked and wide eyed I didn’t know what to say so it was quite for a moment. “So I loved you? ”I asked,  he smiled at my question.

“Yeah you did and you still do deep down you just don’t remember yet but  I’ll remind you even if  your memory doesn’t come back” he paused for a moment then finished speaking making sure to look me deep in my eyes.

“Your head and memory doesn’t remember our love but your heart and soul does!”


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