Chapter 4

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I have heard your prayers y'all-

they a little too loud-


"Let's have some fun then, eh? Just as I thought, the most worthy to be sliced, come up here!" Jack grins creepily as I feel him activate his magic.

"Our first line of reinforcements had to be this weirdo huh."Yami scoffs and Finral mentally cries.

"Huh?! You want to get ripped up, Yami?!" Jack snaps as he hears Yami's comment.

Better not get involved, but actually their help might be nice.

"Not a single human will leave here alive!"

I turn my head back to the elves that had possessed the bodies of the Magic Knights.

What if I bust out one of those Divine Magic Spells that my body just magically does?!

I stand still, trying to concentrate on my inner- um pits of my stomach? 


"There's no time to be dawdling, cub!" Yami smirks as both of the captains in front of me charge against two of the elves.

"Holy- wait you're leaving me with the other one?!" I yell pointing the third elf with some sort of purple gas magic.

"Better get going then!" Jack laughs as they both leave Finral and I, UNDEFENDED.

"Ah! He's coming!" Finral yelps as he takes a step back. I plant my feet firmly on the ground and whip out my grimoire.

I don't have any other choice really-

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Crescent Glacier!" A slash of icy wind bolts towards the guy, he dodges.

"(Y/n), I'll support you!" Finral yells as a portal opens up beside me.

"Thanks a bunch!"I yell as I jump into the spatial portal, it opens up behind the guy that was attack us.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Messiah's Faith!" A bunch of swords made of light glimmer as they appear and aim towards the back of the elf. They erupt in smoke as they hit him.

The smoke clears and to my unfortunate luck, he still stands. I land on the ground.

Now what, bind him?! Actually let's give that a try.

He turns towards me and starts to pile up his magic, making the purple fog turn into a liquid like lance.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: Laced Sacrifice!"My magic seeps into the ground and it erupts below the elf as two transparent large hands made of light, they hold his tightly, resisting his movements.

Now just knock em dead (Y/n). Wait a secon-

My right arm reaches out in front of me as I feel myself loose control of my body again.

"Divine Magic:רייניקן"

The words slip through my lips again, my voice was emotionless.

Light pours out of my hands and it bolts towards the guy caught in my other magic, it circles around the elf before making a thin white circle, it starts to shrink into the elf as he looks up at me with wide eyes.

"T-to think, that you exist-"He breathes out his last words before his eyes and mouth spew out light from my magic. 

I exist...? Just what am I..? No, what is this that's controlling my body..?

||Caught From The Sky|| BC x Reader || BOOK 2 ||Where stories live. Discover now