Chapter 1

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I can't keep relying on others. Listen (Y/n), get your shit together and save your own ass.

I mentally slap my self as I direct my grimoire towards me.

"Heavenly Sky Magic: God's Throne." Wind builds up below me and shapes into a cloud, I land on it with a soft thud. I breath a sigh of relief.

Ass saving complete.

A voice rings through my head again as I recall my memories.

"Bend the wills of fate with your own hands."

The meaning behind it is strong, like a reminder ever time I get distracted.

I fly down into the center building through a window. The walls reach further and further inside. Voices echo as I go nearer, as I go closer I realize who they are.

The Leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun....Licht.

As I was about to cast an surprise attack, his words catch me off guard. I hide behind a rock.

"And from now on, I will speak of my true feelings... You are greedy, selfish and although you harm others without hesitation, it is your own pain that is most acute. You humans are all the same—you discriminate, envy, and hate your fellow humans for worthless reasons. You justify your own weaknesses and sins by devotedly revering something....! All of it...anything and everything...for the sake of your unclean selves! 

In the end, you humans are egotistical and beyond help. What foolish, ugly existences."

"L-lord Licht...?" Valtos mumbles in utter shock. Licht presses the final stone into the monument.

"Become the corner stone of rebirth...!"The lines along the stone light up and soon the entire stone was covered in bright light.

"The corner stone of rebirth? I don't even get what the hell he's even saying!" Rades yells out.

"I guess we're supposed to wake up to a mighty magical power now?" Sally thinks aloud.

"You bastard...could you—Are you trying to deceive us?!" Rades points at him as his face tightens into a growl. I peer over and my eyes widen at the sight. Their bodies were melting away due to the pressure of the mana. They all scream out in pain as their 'leader' stands there, still.

"You know, when your true names were granted and you were gathered here as comrades. You were marked as scarifies for this forbidden magic." Licht smirks.

"Don't fuck with me bastard. I'm not gonna go with the name you just selfishly attached to me! I AM RADES SPIRITO!" Rades bellowed as he falls again when more mana pressure is added.

"L-lord Licht..." Sally was on the brink of crying, her shocked face showed it all.

"We are...your...weren't we your precious comrades....?"Valtos lamented as he found his voice to speak from the shock.

"Oh yes, you were precious indeed—after all, you were sacrifices for resurrecting my real comrades!" Licht smirk curls upwards as the three 'comrades' of his flare up in white flames. Light blurs my eyes, I close them and pull back behind the rock. spreading through out the kingdom...

"Now then, it's time for REVENGE...!!!"

||Caught From The Sky|| BC x Reader || BOOK 2 ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora