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"Oh shit!" Ryland says as he trips, successfully losing his grip on Nick. Luckily, Tony was close to the two and had quick reflexes. Tony glares at Ryland as he catches Nick only a few seconds before the unconscious boy hits the ground.

"Patty, go get Kouvr. She will know what to do," Thomas says. Patty nods running upstairs to get Kouvr, who has taken care of nearly all of their friends when they have been too drunk or high to take care of themselves. The only problem with getting Kouvr was the fact that she was going to be pissed when she found out what happened.

"Kouvr, quick we need you downstairs!" Patty says panting before running back out of the room. This time with Kouvr right on his tail as they make it to the living room.

"What the fuck happened?" Kouvr screams coming into the room seeing the two unconscious boys. Ondreaz gives a quick explanation of what happened, while everyone helps get the two onto the couches. Tony takes Nick to one of the couches and sits down with Nick laying on top of him. Mia helps position his head so that it isn't hanging back, as Calvin fixes Nick's legs so that they are stretched out. Tony held Nick close but no one says a thing about it. "Paper, Ryland, go get some water for the two for when they wake up. If they really were drugged they are going to feel horrible in the morning. The drugs are going to leave their system within 72 hours, so they will need to go to the urgent care and get tested so we can file a report."

Tony watches as Ryland and Paper run off to go do as they were told. Once the two are out of sight he turns his attention to where Noen is laying unconscious, from what he can gather the other boy has been out longer than Nick. Kouvr has Alex go get some wet washcloths to put on their heads. Chase sits by the head of the couch leaning against it but not sitting on the couch. Kouvr sits on the couch beside Noen putting his legs in her lap.

"Everyone should go get some sleep. Kouvr and I will stay and watch the two," Thomas says softly after twenty minutes of everyone sitting in silence. Each of them too shaken to leave without knowing the two boys were okay.

"No!" Charli exclaims as silently as possible. "I'm not leaving until we know they are okay."

"Char-" Alex starts before getting cut off.

"I'm not leaving either!" Dixie says stubbornly, other members also begin to agree. Thomas smiles nodding realizing both of the boys would appreciate the gesture.

"I've got an idea!" Mia says from where she sits between Kouvr's legs. Every head turns to look at her. "Why don't we just grab a bunch of blankets and pillows. Whatever we need and camp out here. This way if anything happens we will all know and can help."

Everyone is quick to agree to the idea and within ten minutes everyone is spread out throughout the living room. Most of them were nearly on top of each other, needing comfort from the other members of this family. One by one each of them falls into a fitful sleep. The last one awake is Kouvr making sure that everyone is okay before finally allowing herself to fall asleep.


Thomas is the only one awake when the banging on the door starts. He startles from where he was laying on the ground. At some point during the night, Charli and Mia had both started to use him as a pillow. So, when the twenty-one-year-old jerks in shock at the sudden loud noise the two bolt awake. Which successfully starts a chain reaction, within moments the only person not awake is Kouvr. Noen sits up with a groan, gripping his head in his hands before he abruptly stands running to the bathroom. Chase is quick to follow behind.

"Yo, open the fucking door!" Someone screams from the other side of the locked door. Thomas stands and starts walking to the door. Passing by Nick who had his face buried in Tony's sweatshirt trying to get away from the light and the noise.

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