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Nick sighed as he scrolled through TikTok for what felt like the eightieth time today. Sighing, Nick continued to scroll through TikTok, not really bothering to watch any of the videos. At least until he came across one of the "If you loved any of these when you were younger you are apart of the LGBTQ+ community" videos. Normally, the teen wouldn't bother watching it but he is really bored. It also doesn't hurt, that he has been questioning his sexuality for a while now. After watching the video, the TikTok star couldn't help but laugh at himself. While Nick laughed at himself Chase walked into their shared room.

"Hey, man. What's so funny?" Chase asks as he collapses into his bed.

"Just something I saw on TikTok," Nick says. The two best friends sit in silence for a while. Finally, Nick is the one to break the silence, "Hey Chase?"

"What's up, man?" Chase questions turning on his bed to face Nick and lowering the music that he had been blasting from his phone.

"You have Noen's number right?" Nick asks quietly. At the mention of Noen, the younger of the two sit up nodding his head. "You think you could give me his number?"

"Um, why?" Chase asks suspiciously. Sure Nick and Noen had talked a few times in passing, but as far as Chase knew neither went out of their way to talk to each other.

"I just need to ask him something," Nick says, looking down and back up at the taller teen. "So... can I have his number?"

"You know you can ask me anything right?" Chase asks. If he was being completely honest, he wasn't really sure why the idea of Nick having Noen's number bothered him. At Nick's nod in confirmation, Chase sighed and reluctantly sent the colored haired boy's number to his roommate.

Wasting no time at all Nick makes a new conversation quickly entering Noen's number in before making a new contact for the younger teen. Chase looks at his roommate before standing and exiting the room. Oblivious to the reason he is annoyed that he is annoyed his best friend is texting Noen.

Hey, Noen its nick I got your number from Chase.

Oh, hey. What's up?

not much. How about you?

same here.

None of my friends really want to go out so there is nothing to do

ahahaha relatable

hey um... do you mind if I ask you a question

it's kind of personal...

Yeah sure,

you're bi, right?

um yeah,

why? got a problem with it?


no just wondering... 

wondering what?

how did you know?

What do you mean?

How did I know that I was bi?


Before I answer do you mind me asking why you want to know?

OH yeah

I just think I might be

Why do you think that?

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