"Then it is a good thing because as cute and lovable as Logan is, you didn't need to have another baby with that cheater."

"You right." Layla said lowly. "So how about you tell me what's going on with you."

"Well the other day I had to..."

Lizzie's voice became just another background noise to Layla as she thought about how she would probably never have another baby. She was determined to stay away from Parker, but she knew she'd never be able to fall in love with another man. It would only be her and Logan forever, and she had no idea how she would cope when it came time for him to move out and start his own life. He was her whole life and reason for being now.

When Layla had gotten off the phone, she saw a text from Parker asking if he could come see or pick up Logan. Layla replied yes, whatever one he wanted to do. He said he would just come over for a few hours if that was okay. Layla sent back a thumbs up emoji before discarding her phone to the side before getting on the floor with Logan.

"Your daddy's coming over." Layla told him as she took the play truck Logan was handing her. "You're gonna play with him for a little while, okay?"

Logan nodded his head before asking, "Mommy too?"

"No baby I think that I'll just go take a bath and maybe make you something to eat while he's here." Layla replied.

Logan nodded again as he rolled his truck across the floor. Layla played with Logan for several more minutes before the front door opened, and a rough-looking Parker walked in. Layla unnoticingly glanced at him and thought how rough these past few days have been for the two of them, and how she must look similar.

"Baby I'm going to take a shower, okay? Daddy is going to be with you." Layla said to Logan.

Logan nodded before standing up and giving Layla a hug. Layla smiled and kissed his head before turning to walk towards the stairs.

"Hey bud what you been up to?" Parker asked Logan as he sat down beside him on the floor. "I missed you."

Layla glanced back at the two boys on the floor, and she cracked a smile as she saw Logan give him a hug. That short-lived smile turned into a frown as she started walking towards the bedroom, because she knew that everything would never be how she wanted it to be again. She wanted things back like they were before.

A few hours passed. Parker and Logan enjoyed playing together, and Parker was the one to give him his bath followed by rocking him to sleep that night. After Logan was placed in his crib, he walked into the doorway of the bedroom where Layla was laying on the bed wearing a nightgown watching television. He thought about how beautiful she was, and how he would do anything to be laying beside her holding her.

Layla glanced at him before turning her attention back to the television.

"Lays," Parker sighed. "Can't you see I've been through hell the past three days?"

Layla scoffed. "Yeah and so have I."

"So why are we suffering through this babe come on." Parker pleaded as he walked into the room. "We don't have to be going through hell, we can work this out."

"No we can't Parker. You cheated, equals end of relationship. I could get over the pills and weed, I really could. But knowing that you laid in bed with another woman and fucked her, and—" Layla's voice broke as she frowned and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Layla." Parker sat on the end of the bed and placed his hand on her leg. "You're crazy if you think that the whore meant anything to me. I just want you back. I want you and our family back. I want us to have more kids like we were talking about. I want to grow old with you."

Layla cried as she buried her head in her pillow.

"Layla sweetheart." Parker said softly as he moved to lay beside her in the bed. "I know you're more hurt and sad than anything. If you were mad you would've cussed and yelled and fought me. I know I broke you. But when I thought I had lost you, it broke me. And I did things I never would have done. When you woke up, I was alright in my right mind again. Just like I am now. I can't bear to lose you again though."

Layla faced away from her estranged husband in the bed and sniffled, "It's over. I know it was my fault. But I still can't be with you knowing that you—" she couldn't even finish the sentence.

"Honey it was not your fault." Parker said as he rubbed her back. "It was 100% my fault."

"I don't want you touching me, Parker."

He sighed as he moved his hand from her back, running it through the front of his hair. "I'm going to get you back, Lays. You're my wife. You know we were always mean to be together and always will be."

"That's what I thought anyway." Layla said bluntly.

"It's still true. It's just going to take time and I understand that. I'll be back to see you and Logan again on Friday."

Layla didn't say anything else, just wiped the tears off her face.

"Do you want me to bring him in here so you won't be alone?" Parker asked.

Layla nodded, and Parker left the room before returning back a few minutes later and laying the sleeping baby beside Layla. He kissed Logan's head and told Layla and him both that he loved them. After that, he left the house, going back to his parent's house to sleep in an empty bed.

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