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"No!" Parker groaned as he held onto Layla on the bed. "Just five more minutes."

"It's not my fault you wanted to stay up all night, sir." Layla smirked as she ran her fingers through the front of his hair. "I have to get Logan some breakfast."

"He's not even awake yet." Parker mumbled.

"He will be soon." Layla replied. "I'm going to make all of us breakfast if you'll let me out of your death grip."

"Layla, this is the first morning I've woken up holding you in forever." Parker said as he laid his head on her chest. "Just a little bit longer."

Layla smiled, sighing as her fingers trailed over his hair. "I love you, darling. Thank you for not giving up on me."

"Which time?" Parker smirked.

"All of them." Layla smiled. "Especially this last time. You're the best, baby."

"No, I'm not. You're the best." Parker smiled as he picked up his head and kissed her on the cheek.

"What do you want for breakfast, babe?" Layla smiled softly.


Layla chuckled softly. "Is that all?"

"Maybe egg and pancakes." Parker replied.

"Well lemme up so I can go make it."

"No." Parker mumbled as he held her tightly against him.

"Baby, nothing's going to happen between here and the kitchen, I promise." Layla chuckled softly. "You can come with me."

Parker rolled off the bed and stood up, running a hand through the front of his brown messy hair beg scratching the back of his neck. "I gotta get a shower and then I'll be in there."

"Okay baby." Layla smiled as she got off the bed and leaned up to kiss his cheek before walking out of the room.

Parker smirked as he watched Layla walk out of the bedroom, her hair a mess and his tee shirt the only thing on her. He sighed as he walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He threw a clean pair of boxers on the bed before digging to the bottom of it and finding a pill bottle. He opened it quickly and poured a couple pills in his hand before hurriedly closing it and hiding it at the back of the drawer. After chasing the pills down with the water by the bed, he grabbed his boxers off the bed and walked into the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Layla was in the kitchen pouring pancake mix into a bowl, humming to herself. Then she remembered her best friend Lizzie, and she walked a few steps away and grabbed the phone off the wall. She smiled as she dialed the number and held the phone between her ear and shoulder as she walked back to stir the pancake mix.

"Hello?" Lizzie said as she picked up the phone.

"Hey, Lizzie!" Layla almost squealed.

"Layla?!" Lizzie did squeal. "Is it really you? I'd know that voice anywhere!"

"It's really me! I got home yesterday." Layla replied.

"Home? As in with Parker?" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah, duh, he's the one that came got me. And girl, lemme tell you, when we got home, it was-"

"Why didn't your parents come get you?"

"I called them yesterday. And because Parker is my husband, Lizzie, I wanted to be with him." Layla said as she poured some pancake mix onto the griddle.

Lizzie mumbled something under her breath before saying, "You should come home for a little while and see everybody. Bring Logan."

"Parker and I might get down there with him. But hey, Logan's birthday party is gonna be next weekend, you should come here!"

"I don't know, I might have to work."

"Ugh, take off to see your best friend!" Layla said.

"Parker doesn't seem different to you any?" Lizzie asked.

"No, still my Parker. And yesterday, good lord, I can't remember when we had sex that good."

Lizzie rolled her eyes and shook her head before telling Layla about the new guy she was seeing.


"Here baby." Layla smiled as she handed Logan a plate with little pieces of pancake on it.

"Baby, you know what we should do?" Parker asked as he sat down beside Layla at the table.

"What?" She smiled as she felt his hand go on her thigh.

"We should go somewhere. Just me and you. A little vacation." Parker said.

"But I'd miss my baby." Layla said as she looked over at Logan eating his pancake with his hands.

Parker leaned over and kissed below Layla's ear and whispered, "Come on baby just a few days." He nipped at her ear. "I need some more like that we had yesterday."

"We can take Logan to your parents and do it again." Layla giggled softly.

"But think about it, baby, just me and you in a cabin or something, hot tub, couple glasses of wine." Parker whispered. "We can take our time."

"It does sound nice." Layla smiled as she placed her hand over his. "Where would we go?"

"Wherever you want, baby." Parker said as he started eating a piece of bacon. "Hell, we can go back to Thailand if you want, or go to some mountains, go somewhere in Europe. Wherever you want."

"After Logan's party, babe." Layla smiled before kissing Parker's cheek. "I'll plan it and get everything set up for the week after the party."

"Hell yes!" Parker smiled.

"Don't cuss in front of the baby." Layla chuckled as she hit Parker's shoulder.

"Still hits like a girl." He chuckled before picking up a piece of bacon off her plate.

"Maybe because I am a girl, dummy." She retorted before snatching the bacon from his hands.

"I wouldn't be with you if you weren't." Parker smirked.

As Parker sat there watching his wife wipe off his baby son with a wet napkin, he leaned back in his chair and smiled. Everything finally felt right again.

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