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"No, that's a bunch of bullshit." Parker said to the doctor as the two stood outside Layla's hospital room.

It had been three weeks since the accident, and Layla was still in a coma.

"Mr. Schnabel, your wife is not showing any signs of waking up anytime soon. As a doctor, I have to try to get you to understand that all you're doing is prolonging her suffering." Dr. Kennedy said with his arms crossed.

"She can't feel anything!" Parker chuckled dryly as he shook his head. "She can't feel anything, hear anything, she's completely oblivious! How is that suffering? You're not pulling that fuckin plug, you hear me?! I swear to God, as long as I'm alive, she will not be taken off life support. She is going to wake up."

"I'm trying to tell you that-"

"I don't want to hear it, okay?" Parker interrupted as he held his hand up. "I don't want to hear about how bad it is, how it's a bad idea to keep her alive. I don't want to hear your shit. I'm paying for the bills, so just do what I say, okay?"

"I'm only thinking about what's best for Layla, Parker." Dr. Kennedy said as Parker turned towards the wall, putting his hands on the wall and looking down at the floor.

"What's best for Layla is to stay alive. She's fine. She'll be fine. She has to be here to watch Logan grow up, we're going to have more kids, we're going to sit on the front porch when we're ninety and watch the grandkids play. You're not pulling that damn plug." Parker said.

"Parker, you're just thinking about yourself. About how you don't want to be without her." Dr. Kennedy stated.

"Ya damn right I don't. And nobody else does either." Parker said as he walked towards the hospital room door. "Therefore she's staying on life support. And don't ask me to take her off it again."

With that statement, Parker walked into Layla's hospital room where his mom and Logan were sitting in a rocking chair, and Layla was in the same spot she had been, in the bed attached to machines. Parker's dad had went back to Haines a few days earlier and would be back the weekend, and Layla's parents had left after Parker told them after the first week that Layla wouldn't be taken off life support. A few more words were exchanged during that conversation, but it's better not to go back to that.

"What did the doctor have to say, Parker?" Nancy asked him as he plopped down in the same chair he hadn't left in weeks, right there beside Layla.

"Nothing." Parker mumbled as he crossed his arms and looked at his wife all bandaged up.

Nancy sighed as she set Logan's bottle on the table beside her and started burping him. Parker hadn't talked much since it happened. When he did talk, he was either mad or depressed, not that anyone could blame him though. The only one he actually smiled at was Logan.

"Parker, I know it wasn't nothing." Nancy said.

Parker shrugged as he stood up and walked over to his mom and picked up Logan from her. Parker smirked as he kissed Logan's forehead and laid him on his shoulder, continuing to pat his back as he walked back to his chair.

Logan burped quietly, and Parker smirked as he turned his head and said something quietly about Logan being his little man. Parker held Logan in his arms, reaching over to the bag and grabbing the blue blanket off the top to cover Logan up. Logan started fussing, and Parker quietly shushed him while putting the pacifier in his mouth. Logan looked up at Parker with the same blue eyes that Layla has, and Parker smirked for a split second before looking at Layla. He frowned for a second before starting to rock Logan in the chair.

Logan looked over at his mom, then looked back up at Parker and cried.

"Yeah, I know, Logan. I miss her too." Parker whispered softly as he leaned his head back and sighed. "A hell of a lot."

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