Bonnie - Left Behind

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(A/N) Here's Bonnie's start. This does contain parent death. If that bothers or triggers you, please don't read. I don't own the characters or the artwork, please enjoy!

It was your 6th birthday and your mom brought you to Freddy Fazbear's to celebrate it! You didn't have many friends since you had to keep moving around all the time and you were homeschooled, so you were alone. Your mom never really said why you kept moving from place to place, but you never really felt the need to ask because you thought it was normal and you didn't really mind anyways. Your mom gave you plenty of money for tokens while she left you for a while because she had errands to run. You were a pretty responsible kid and she knew an hour wouldn't be too dangerous for you, so you were left alone to play games and get tickets. After a little while, you'd won a jackpot and got loads of tickets, so you decided to get a Bonnie plush. He was always your favourite and it matched the small plastic watch that you had won last time, so you loved it. You checked said watch and noticed that it had been almost 2 hours now. Your mom was usually really good with picking you up on time, but it shrugged it off as things taking a little longer than expected. What you didn't know was that she had been running from someone for years and they had finally found her. She'd always kept any record of you very secret, so they didn't know you existed in the first place and you were safe. However they got to her and she died with no identification on her, and no one knew where you were because your mom was very secretive about what she was doing on a day to day basis to protect you. So there was absolutely no one who knew where to find you, so you were all alone in the world from now on. You used some of the money to buy some food and ate up before checking your watch again. 3hours now, and you were getting nervous because this had never happened before, she always came to get you and you wanted to cry. But you couldn't, your mom had taught you what to do if she didn't come back from somewhere. She wanted you to hide until she came back because she never thought she'd be killed by the people following her,and you were going to follow her instructions. You waited until the employees were busy and slipped into the back to hide away in the janitors closet. It was where you had been told to hide if anything ever happened because almost every place had a janitors closet somewhere. There were secondary locations that you could go to, but you always were told to go here first. When you tried to turn the light on, it popped as the light bulb immediately burnt out. It was dark and perfect. You felt around and realized that there was an empty space behind a bunch of bottles, so you slipped back there with your plush and stayed silent, not wanting to give your hiding spot away for anything. Employees came and went, but you were far enough back that they didn't notice you since they weren't looking for a kid in there. Every once in a while, you checked your watch just so you knew what time it was. As the minutes became hours in your small space, fear and anxiety filled you in a way they never had before, making you want to cry your eyes. But that could let someone find you, so you just tried to think about anything else you possibly could. But every thought ended up leading back to one question. Where was your mom and why wasn't she coming to get you? Your stomach growled loudly, and you were afraid that someone might have heard it, but there was nothing. Checking your watch again, you saw that it was after midnight. Maybe you could leave and grab something from the kitchen. Your mom couldn't possibly get mad about that, could she? Just as you moved the bottles away from in front of you, the door opened to reveal Bonnie standing in the doorway. His red eyes found you easily, giving you no chance to back into your hiding spot. Your (e/c) eyes stared into his for several seconds before he grabbed a cloth and covered something on the wall with it.

"Heya kiddo, what are you doing hiding in here while this? It's long after closing time. Did you get lost?" You started to shake, scared because you weren't supposed to let anyone see you. You knew you could trust Bonnie, but when you tried to open your mouth to speak, no words came out. All that came was a sob as you couldn't keep the tears inside any longer. You crawled the rest of the way out of your hiding spot and cried, clutching your plush close to you as all the stress left your body. Bonnie didn't know what to do at first, but he scooped you up and rested your head on his shoulder. He didn't care that his fur was getting wet with tears, he just rubbed your back gently and tried to calm you down. As you cried, there was a heavy feeling in your heart. It had been almost 12 hours and you knew deep down that you mom wasn't coming back for you, you just knew something bad had happened and that you'd never see her again. After a good 10 minutes of crying, you stopped and wiped your eyes, pulling away from bonnie enough that you could see his face again.

"Feeling better now? Maybe you can tell me your name now?" His soft paw wipes away the tears on your cheek as you took a deep breath in before answering him.

"I'm Y/N. And I was waiting for my mom, but I don't think she's coming back. I think something bad happened to her. Otherwise she would have come to get me." You sniffed, gently grabbing a handful of his soft fur. He felt so nice and you didn't want to let him go. While you did this, Bonnie was watching you and he had decided while you were crying that he wanted you to stay. You already liked him, it was obvious by the plush and the watch, but he needed to know more first.

"Why were you hiding in here to wait? Maybe your mom was in the dining room looking for you." You shook your head quickly before looking back up into his eyes. He was so big, and the thought went through your mind that you wanted to grow up to he as big as him someday.

"Mom always told me to hide in the janitors closet if she didn't come for me when she said she would. She said that waiting out with everyone else was dangerous and that bad people could find me." You thought of bad guys from your cartoons, like the joker or something, but Bonnie had a different image in his mind. A flash of purple, maniacal laughter, a yellow rabbit costume, the sound of a metal suit opening, and the snapping sound of springlocks crashing shut all around him. It was vague, but he heard your screaming and suddenly you were inside of a suit, begging for help in the images flashing across his mind.!Before you knew it, his arms were around you and he held your face against his shoulder.

"I won't let that happen to you, I promise." Protective instincts he didn't even know he had came to the surface and he wasn't about to let you go for anything in the world. Bonnie stood up and walked out of the closet, holding you against his soft purple chest as he made sure you were hidden from the view of every camera in the pizzeria. Your stomach growled again and he smiled down at you.

"Sounds like someone's hungry. How about we grab some stuff from the kitchen? I'm sure Chica won't mind if we raid it tonight." You nodded your head rapidly and snuggled close, feeling safe and sound in the arms of the rabbit animatronic. Bonnie sighed, trying to figure out how he was going to explain this to the others, but he had a feeling they would be protective over you as well. As long as he stayed your favourite, he would be happy. You were going to be his and nothing was going to change that if he could help it.

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