Chica - Left Behind

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(A/N) And here's the start of Chica, please imagine she's softer than in the pic because original Chica was hard to find in this style. I was really excited to write her because she seems like she'd be super sweet. As usual, I don't own the characters or artwork, enjoy!

You were tiny, only 6 months old, and your mommy had brought you to a very loud place that you had never been before. It was so loud, but you didn't cry, you barely ever cried and it had made your mommy bright you to the white place that smelled clean. You heard you mommy say something to another man you didn't know, but it wasn't anything you knew, so you didn't bother to listen anymore. What you couldn't have known was that your mother was saying that she was waiting for a friend as she sat down at a table. But she was lying, she wasn't waiting for anyone, she was waiting until you fell asleep so she could leave you in this pizzeria. She was only 16, and her parents had kicked her out for having you. But she couldn't handle it anymore, so she was going to leave you somewhere she was sure you would be found, a place for children to play. Your mother sat down near a woman and started a conversation by pretending to need advice on something, which worked remarkably well and they talked for quite some time. In that time, you got used to the noise and smells around you, paying close attention to the music that you could hear coming from somewhere you couldn't see. You started to get tired, and before you knew it, you were fast asleep in your baby carrier. Your mother noticed this and put the cover up on your carrier, the one thing she had been waiting for. She looked down at her watch, saying something about her friend not showing up and needing to go to the washroom. Picking the carrier up, she walked to the women's washroom and got into the large stall where there was a change table. Opening it carefully so that it wouldn't wake you up, your mother pulled you out and left you there, washing her hands and leaving with the carrier still covered as though you were still inside. It was almost closing time, so no one came into the washroom and you didn't draw any attention to yourself since you were fast asleep, so your were left there until 1 am. When you finally woke up, it was to the sound of the door being opened, and you didn't know where you were. It was oddly yellow, you were laying on something hard, and your mommy wasn't anywhere you could see her. Being as scared as you were, you cried, and you were loud about it. There was a squeal before footsteps came in your direction, the stall door all but flying of it's hinges as there was suddenly someone in your view. It was hard to make out, but it was bright yellow and looked kind of like one of the animal you had a toy of at home. You reached up, not crying anymore as your curiosity had gotten the better of you. The yellow person was Chica and she just stared at you for a couple of seconds. It was after closing and there was a baby abandoned in the washroom. Once the shock wore off, she noticed the note attached to your onesie with a safety pin. Carefully taking it off, she read what it had to say.

"This is Y/N, they are 6 months old and I can't take care of them anymore. I live on the street and I can bear to go somewhere else to drop them off. Please, find them a home and take care of them."

Chica couldn't believe what she was reading. Someone left a baby in the pizzeria instead of dropping them off anywhere else?' Anger bubbles deep inside her chest, but she was pulled from her thoughts by you babbling and cooing. You were reaching for the paper in her hands, your eyes bright with wonder as you stared at her. She knew that she shouldn't take you with her, but there was that tiny voice in her head telling her that she could take care of you, that she could he like a mother to you, that she could raise you as her own. And with every passing second that she looked down at you, that voice grew louder, until she couldn't ignore it anymore and she picked you up, you were lighter than she expected, but that was easily fixed with proper food and care. Your little tummy rumbled and your eyes went wide, but you didn't cry. You just stared up at her with eyes big as saucers.

"Okay little one, lets get you to the kitchen for some food then." You grabbed onto her yellow fur, being careful like you had been taught to do with the big fluffy animal you had met at the park several times. Snuggling close to her fur, you happily babbled again Chica's chest, and she felt sure that she had done the right thing taking you. Slowly, and make sure to keep you from the view of the camera, Chica brought you to the kitchen to try and find you something to eat. She knew that you were very little, so she decided to go with the thing she was almost sure you'd eat, and she carefully warmed up some milk. Searching around, she went to the lost and found box, hoping to find things for you. It worked, and she came back with a bottle, a pacifier, a couple toys, and a baby book. After cleaning off the pacifier and bottle, she cradled you against her soft body and held the bottle to your lips.

"Come on now little one, you need to eat up. I promise, I'm going to do my very best for you from now on. I'm going to be your new mommy, and no one will ever keep me away from you." Her voice was soft and soothing, different to the stressed sound of mommy's voice. You opened your mouth and took the bottle, gradually sucking down the milk as you looked up at Chica. She was so soft, and she sounded nice. You liked her, even if she did look really different than mommy. Once you finished the bottle, Chica grabbed a nearby cloth and put it on her shoulder before placing your chin on her shoulder and gently patting your back. A burn came up and Chica cleaned off your face before cradling you with one arm again. Grabbing a toy, she waved it in front of you and watched your tiny hand grab for it, never quite reaching far enough. And that's how the next hour passed, with Chica sitting on the kitchen floor, playing with you until you fell asleep in her arms, your tiny snores making her smile as much as she could with a beak. You were hers now, that was all there was to it.

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