Freddy - Left Behind

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(A/N) Heres the first real chapter to the story. I hope your all enjoy it! I don't own the characters or the artwork, enjoy and let me know what you think!

You were 3 years old, still figuring out what the world was, and your daddy brought you to Freddy Fazbear's to play! You didn't understand what all of the games were, but you'd come here before and you had a Freddy teddy that you dragged everywhere with you and nothing could keep you from it. It was well loved, the fur wearing off and one of the eyes had to be re-attached because it popped off in the washing machine. You almost never got to go out and do things because you were little and mommy always said that 'they won't remember it anyways, why waste the time' but you didn't know what that meant. So you thought that your daddy brought you here because today was a special day, since that was the only time he brought you places aside from the grocery store. Well, it was a special day, but not for the reason you might think. You see, your mother had left a few months ago and your dad just couldn't take it, so he planned on leaving you here and running away to start a new life. As you ran off to see the animatronics on stage, your dad slipped away, leaving you all alone in the pizzeria. It took you maybe half an hour to realize that he wasn't there, and you started to cry until someone came up to you. It was someone who worked there, they would help you, you just knew it. He came up to you and smiled, but it wasn't exactly a happy smile, it was a little scary. But he was supposed to help you, so you tried bit to worry about it.

"Hey little one, are you lost?" You nodded your head, wiping your tears away as you sniffed.

"Daddy brought me here, but I can't find him anywhere. Did he leave just like mommy did?" The pity in the employees eyes was obvious enough that even a child could pick up on it. But it flickered away and all that was left was an odd darkness that made you want to run and hide.

"Oh... Listen, I'm going to take you to the back room. And then I'll call the police to help you. My name's William, and what yours?" He held out his hand, but you didn't want to take it because he scared you. Something about him wasn't right and you shook your head.

"I wanna stay out here, maybe daddy will come back?" His face fell and he tried to grab your arm and drag you away.

"You're coming with me whether you like it or not!" He got you into the back area behind the stage before you managed to bite him as hard as you could and ran away as fast as you could. You found your way to the state and there was a small space that you could crawl into, so you went inside and hid out while doing anything your young self could think of to stay quiet. It was so dark that you almost couldn't stand it, but you didn't dare leave because that man might find you again. You heard footsteps and covered your mouth, trying not to breathe in the dust that was sure to make you sneeze. You couldn't let him find you, something inside of you was screaming that he was a terrible man. He spoke up and you shut your eyes tightly, his voice sounding darker and more gravelly now that he wasn't trying to lure you somewhere.

"Where did that little shit go? Can't have her telling people what happened, it could ruin everything I've worked for!" His fist slammed on the stage and it took everything for you not to squeal in fear. He walked away, but you didn't move, holding your Freddy teddy as tightly as you could. Tears silently rolled down your little cheeks as you waited to feel safe again, but it didn't happen. You were still careful, the shaky breaths coming slowly so you didn't alert anyone to where you were. Your daddy had left you behind, you knew it. And this William man just wanted to hurt you, but you had no idea why. Your tiny body began to shake violently as the fear overwhelmed you, silent sobs catching in your throat. You didn't know how long you cried before you got really tired and, seeing as there was nothing else you could do right now, you fell asleep in your little hidey hole, your dreams plagued with images of adults leaving you and others dragging you into darkness...

When you woke up, it was to the sound of metal scraping against itself, the noise scaring you to the point of being frozen as you stared into the darkness. A tiny whimper escapes you and the sounds of metal became closer, causing tears to form in your eyes for the third time that day, following the almost dried tear tracks down your cheeks and landing on your teddy that was in a death grip. You didn't want to cry anymore, but you couldn't make it stop as it dropped off your face steadily. You saw 2 bright blue lights in front of you and stared into them, not sure what else to do since you had no idea where the light as coming from.

"Hello little one. What are you doing hiding under here? It's long past closing time." The voice sounded slightly robotic, but it was strangely soothing at the same time. It made you want to trust whoever was speaking to you.

"My daddy brought me here, but he left me here all alone. And then there was a many named Willy-am who tried to bring me into a dark place. I bitted him and ran away to hide. And then he tried to find me, but I stayed super quiet and he went away. Then I cried and I got sleepy, so I took a nap here with my Freddy." You felt something soft cover your eyes before there was light shining. You never liked how things were too bright sometimes, so you liked that whoever this person was, he made sure the really bright light didn't hurt you. One the soft thin was gone, you realized it was a paw and that Freddy was right in front of you. His fur looked so soft as fluffy that you couldn't stop yourself from burying your face in it as fast as you could. Even his sharp looking teeth didn't scare you because you knew that Freddy loved kids and would never hurt you.

"I think you know who I am. I'm Freddy Fazbear. And I'm going to make sure that man doesn't hurt to ever again. So, can you tell me your name kiddo?" You pulled your face away from the soft fur on his chest and he stood up, holding out a hand to you. You started to think that maybe he didn't like you snuggling into his fur, and you looked down in embarrassment.

"My name is (Y/N) Mr. Fazbear. And I'm 3 years old!" You held up three fingers to prove your point before  your tummy growled loudly and you held it before looking up at Freddy. Even though he didn't have a face like yours, it looked kind and you knew that he wouldn't get mad at you for wanting to snuggle up with him.

"Can we get something to way please? I haven't eated anything for a really long time." You held your arms up and made grabby hands, letting Freddy know that you wanted up. He chuckled before picking you up and resting you on his hip carefully.

"Of course, no kid is allowed to be hungry here at Freddy Fazbear's. What's your favourite kind of pizza?" You told him, along with anything else you could possibly think of about yourself. You got to the kitchen and he grabbed a slice of your favourite pizza before setting you down in the kitchen counter so you could eat easier. You made yourself a bit messy, but it was easy for Freddy to clean off because of his big paws, and the cloth that he grabbed. You asked to be picked up again before sticking your thumb in your mouth and falling asleep nestled into his soft brown chest. That was when Freddy decided that you needed to stay with him because he couldn't stand the idea of anyone raising you because you were just too pure for this cruel world. As you slept in his arms, his mind started coming up with ways that he could hide you so that you could always be his little one, someone he would protect with everything that he was.

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