I'm Done

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(Mangle's POV)

As I sat here moping, I heard voices in the shadows. I made my to them and saw Springtrap and Del. "I ain't your puppet, Springtrap! I'm tired of you treating me like one!" Del said. "Did you forget? I'm the one who saved you!" Springtrap said. Wait, Springtrap saved Del? "Maybe so, but that doesn't mean I'm one of you! Your heartless!" Del said. "I do what needs to be done. What do you expect, from a true monster?" Springtrap asked. Monster?

"And lying to Mangle is one of them? Don't you realized her feelings were hurt already? Now, you just made it worse!" Del said. "I only displayed the truth. What makes you think I'm lying?" Springtrap asked. "Cause I saw the whole thing. I saw how sad Foxy was when Mangle left. And now, he's on his way here to find her!" Del said. Foxy's on his way? Really? "And when he does, he'll have to get through us." Springtrap said. "You mean you?! I don't want to be on his bad side when it comes to Mangle! I thought we were only going to make things better. But, we're not. I can't deal with this anymore. I'm done." Del said. "And what makes you think that?" Springtrap asked.

"I only want what's best for Mangle! And if I have to go through you to get Mangle back to her friends, then so be it! It's the way I am!" Del said. I gasped when he said that. "You sound like Mangle." Springtrap said. "You may have saved me, but don't think I'm a changed man. My sympathetic feelings still remain. And I've never been in a relation ship nor do I have any friends because of you! You turned me into a monster!" Del said. "Your better off alone, brat! Get used to it!" Springtrap said.

Del huffed and walked away. I was awestruck after what Del said. Is he really like me? Is that why he stood up for me? I'll ask him when I get a chance.

(Delaven's POV)

After my argument, I sighed and sat down. "What do I do now, Mom?" I asked. I then felt a little bit of wind pressing on my face for some reason and looked at my empty glass cup. Actually, now that I think about, Mangle didn't have anything, did she? Well, wouldn't hurt to help her out.

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