Rory and Amy ran to the door to deconstruct the barricade.

The door opened the Doctor grabbed the medallion. He started to breathe on it, quickly clouding the surface. The Doctor ran out of the room with Avery following, leaving Amy, Rory, Elise, and Toby standing there confused.

They soon came back in.

"Now what?" Amy asked.

"Now we wait," the Doctor told them.

"Just wait?" Rory asked.

"Not my most dynamic plan, I realize."

"TARDIS?" Amy asked.

"It's been towed."


"Sorry. We might be stuck here for a while."

"So you're saying that we should all just wait here below?" Rory asked.

"The sea is still calm, like a mirror. If you go out on deck she'll rise up and attack you," Avery said.

"It's okay. The calm won't last forever," the Doctor told them, "When the wind picks up we'll all set sail."

"Until it does, you have to hide down here."

Avery joined the Doctor and Elise up on deck.

The Doctor was teaching Elise about the stars.

Avery looked up at the night sky.

"It's not one star, it's two. The Dog Star, Sirius. Binary system," the Doctor said.

"I use it to navigate the ocean," Avery told him.

"I've traveled far, like you. Space can be very lonely, and the greatest adventure is having someone share it with you." The Doctor looked down at Elise, who smiled at him. "

If we get out of this I'll take him back to England. He can't stay with me. I'm not the father he needs."

"Who are you, Henry Avery? Respected naval officer, wife and child at home. How did you end up here, wandering the oceans with a band of rogues?"

"I've set my course now. Nothing I can do to alter it."

"People stared at it for centuries and never knew. Things can suddenly change, when you're least expecting." The Doctor patted Avery on the chest before he and Elise went down to the captain's quarters. The Doctor stopped and looked at the windows he had smashed.

Elise looked at him and then looked at the windows. She got a prickling feeling at the top of her spine.

"Doctor? Elise?" Amy asked, coming up behind them.


"What can you see?"

"Feels like something's out there, staring straight at me."

There was a crash of thunder and then lightning.

"Man the sails!" the Doctor yelled, running up on deck.

Elise and Amy ran after him.

Soon, they were being pelted by rain.

"To the rigging, you dogs! Let go the sails. Avast ye! Put the bunt into the slack of the clews!" Avery yelled.

The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now