"I understand. I will do my best I promise." I nod.

"Are you like his best friend or something? You seem close." He says.

"I uh.. hes my boyfriend." I look down, hoping this guy wont be homophobic or something.

But thankfully all I got was a smile and an; "Awh, that's pretty precious actually."

I smile back. "Thank you sir." I bow politely. 

"Well if you want you can stay the night with him, in case he wakes up, but its late and we will be closing soon. You technically can't stay overnight but I will make an exception for you." He looks at me.

"Thank you sir, I'd love to stay." I bow again to be respectful.

"Well I have some business to attend to, press that button to call nurses if you feel you need to for whatever reason." He says.

"Yes sir." I nod.

"I'm off then, be back in the morning." Then he was gone.


In the morning I wake up exhausted. I did not sleep well at all. I got maybe an hour of sleep because I was worrying about Jisung the entire night. I kept getting up to check his pulse and watch the heart rate monitor. I was stressing out and it sucked.

I stand over my beloved Jisung and stare at his resting face. I sigh and let my hand touch his cheek and trail down to his chin. I feel a tear fall from my eyes and before I can even realize it I start bawling. I missed my Jisung so much and I wanted for everything to return to the 'Lee Know' days. Even to the part where he hated him, that was okay too. Anything other than this.

But I had to live with it, my mistakes lead to this. My mistakes caused Jisung to do this to himself and I had to accept the harsh truth, no matter how much I hated it. I wipe the tears from my eyes and sigh.

"Jisung, if you can hear this, I'm so sorry.. please wake up." I say to him.

I wish this was one of those stories where I said 'just then his eyes opened and he kissed me passionately' but that's just not what happened. Absolutely nothing happened when I said that. 

Just then the doctor enters the room. "How was your night?"

"Stressful." I admit.

"Do you need anything?" He asks.

"No thanks, I think I'm going to go get breakfast from a restaurant though." I shake my head.

"Oh okay, have fun." He nods.

"Thank you sir." I bow before walking out and heading to a restaurant.

Then I look at my phone. There was a message from Felix simply saying 'call me.'

I knew this was big because there was a period at the end. I sigh and dial his number, expecting him to yell at me, but I was wrong.

"M-Minho..?" I hear a sniffle from his end of the line after he said my name.

"Yes Felix?" I ask.

Amnesia~Minsung 💕Where stories live. Discover now