" No problem at all. Everyone else is in the kitchen..." Kid told her, and Maka nodded, taking off her shoes and heading in to join them. Soul stayed behind, shutting the door and staring at Kid with fondness lifting up his features.

" Hey..."

Kid didn't know how else to greet Soul other than with a hug. He wrapped his arms around him and leaned into Soul's chest. A smile was something that seemed permanent on his face as he stayed there, nestled into Soul's jacket.

Soul felt his face fading red and he rested his hands on Kid's hips. Someone was looking for some attention.

" That excited to see me, huh?" Soul whispered, and Kid pulled back to look at him endearingly. They were still incredibly close to one another, though.

" You have no idea..." Kid told him. " I finally feel complete after today... almost."

Soul raised a brow in confusion, not sure why the almost was there. Did Kid's mouth just make a typo?

" Why almost?" He asked, genuinely wondering. And Kid couldn't believe the amount of confidence he'd gained as he stood there. Soul had really changed him, and as he thought back to everything, including the dance and their texting, everything that led up to this moment, he knew that he had been changed for good. Never in a million years could he have predicted this.

" You'll figure it out once everyone else is gone..." Kid told him, biting his lower lip and keeping the eye contact up.

Soul felt his throat go dry when he noticed the small gesture, and he was about to pull Kid aside to figure it out sooner, but it wasn't an option.

" Soul! Get your ass over here!" BlackStar called from the kitchen. " You've gotta be on my team, bro!"

Soul perked up and Kid was more lost than anything as they headed to the kitchen, finding Liz and Patty trash talking.

" If you think you have a chance in hell you're wrong." Liz said, spinning the basketball she'd grabbed on her finger. Kid grimaced when he saw it, already knowing what was about to happen. It seemed like Maka had the same reaction, figuring that whatever was going down would be an ordeal.

" Let's take this outside." Patty said, using the man voice she'd acquired from her time in the city. It was deep and dark and threatening, making Kid want to run the other way.

" Wait, what's even happening?" Soul asked.

" You're gonna help me school them in basketball. That's what's happening." BlackStar pursed his lips.

Soul looked between Kid and Maka, then everyone else. Okay... he couldn't let his friend down. He stepped forward and fist bumped his best friend, flashing a sharp toothed grin at the end of it.

" Fine. One game, all or nothing." He said, and Liz and Patty were definitely ready to fight.

" Are we seriously doing this? I thought this was supposed to be a house party?" Maka asked.

" BlackStar, come on..." Tsubaki said.

" Oh, this is definitely a party, Maka. And these delicious snacks will be right here after I'm done whooping butt..." BlackStar ate a handful of chips and eyed Patty before heading out back. Kid looked at Soul and walked by him as they followed him, and as Patty and BlackStar made a scene out of stretching, Soul just took off his jacket.

" You're rooting for me, right?" Soul asked Kid, chuckling.

" I'm kind of in a tough spot." Kid teased.

" I at least get to know what 'almost' means if I win, right?" Soul asked, and Kid began to blush to himself.

" We'll see..." He said, folding his arms. Either way, Kid had already made up his mind. He was going to be showing Soul exactly what he meant later in the night when everyone else was gone. But still... leaving him wondering for a little while was fun. Or maybe he was just evil. Both, probably.

Last Dance {Soul x Kid}Where stories live. Discover now