Chapter 23

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The next day on Sunday I woke up to Jacob shaking me.

"Get up Rainy!" he yelled in my ear.

I groaned and shooed him away from me so that I could get up. I looked at the time on my phone and it read 12:00. Holy cow! I usually don't sleep in that late.

I rolled out of bed and went to my bathroom to do my morning routine. I wonder if Shawn spent the night here.

After my moring routine I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Sure enough Shawn was sitting at the dining nook drinking a cup of coffee and eating a bagel.

"Hey baby." Shawn greeted her.

I went over to him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" I asked him.

"Good although I wish I was with you." he winked at me.

"Okay that's enough gross talk. Shut up you two." Jacob said clearly not liking our conversation.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the coffee maker to pour myself a cup of coffee while putting my creamer in it.

I sat down at the nook with Jake and Shawn next to me. Well this is fun.

As the day went on we all just relaxed and watched TV. At 2 o'clock I decided to go to my room and get some homework done.

I walked upstairs grabbing my backpack and sat at my desk to start. I pulled out my math text book and got straight to doing my homework.

Two hours later and I had gotten all my math homework done plus a 500 word essay finished.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs into the living room. On the couch was Ryan and Shawn completley consumed by the video game they were playing. I rolled my eyes at them and went to the kitchen to get a snack.

I got out a bag of chips and sat near dad at the kitchen island. He was reading a bunch of papers that were probably from work. I sat on my phone and we sat there in a comfortable silence.

"Hey dad, where's Matt and Jacob?" I asked him breaking the silence.

"Uh I think Matts out with a friend or something and Jacob is playing football with his friends." he answered.

"Is Matt out with a girl?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe, he was acting a little weird." he said.

Why is Matt out with a girl? He would of told us right? Who was the girl he was out with?

So many questions were going through my mind that I didn't realize that Shawn was suddenly behind me giving me a hug.

"Hey Mr. Sky, can I take Rainy out?" Shawn suddenly asked my dad.

"Where are you taking her?" he asked sternly.

"Just to a coffee shop. I promise we'll be back at 5:30." Shawn responded.

"You better have her home by 5:30 or you won't be seeing her at all. Got it?" he demanded.

"Yes sir." Shawn gulped.

I stood up from the chair and Shawn grabbed my arm and took me outside to his car.

"How did you get the courage to ask him to take me out?" I asked.

"To be honest, I don't know. I just really wanted you to myself right now." he replied.

He looked so good right now in his black t-shirt and gray sweat pants that hung a little low.

He pulled up to the coffee shop that we went to on our first date. We walked in and ordered our coffees. Sitting down at a small booth waiting for our coffee Shawn held my hand in his. I was lost in thought thinking about Matt and him being out with a girl that I didn't realize that our coffees were right in front of us.

"What's on your mind baby?" Shawn asked me while giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Maybe I'm over reacting but Matt's on a date with a girl and he didn't even tell me." I let out.

"Well you didn't tell him that we went on a date when we first started dating." he concluded.

"Yeah but he went on and on about how I could tell him anything and everything but why hasn't he told me anything about this?" I continued.

"Maybe he's just seeing if he likes her or not. Now stop worrying and enjoy our date before your brothers come searching for me while you can." he confirmed.

I did just that and took a sip of my coffee and leaned into my boyfriend's chest in the booth.

I was so glad that we were able to be here by ourselves. As we drank our coffee and chatted, I enjoyed this time we had. I love the feeling of being with him. Alsmost so much that I think I might lov... wait was I really about to think that.

Was I ready to love? I'm only 17 almost 18. I mean I really like him, like a lot. But were we ready? Okay I need to stop thinking. I've done too much thinking today.

As 5 o'clock rolled around we started to walk back to his car. We got in and he drove back to my house. It was 5:20 when we got home and once he parked he looked over to me.

He put his hand on my thigh and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back passionately as if I was never going to see him again. It was getting a little steamy until we heard a pounding on the window of his car.

I gasped and turned around to find Matt ponding his fist on the window looking angry as ever.

"Welp I'll see you later baby." Shawn said to me as I was getting out of the car.

"Bye Shawn!" I yelled to him with a blush on my cheeks walking outside and towards my house.

Matt followed me back inside the house lecturing me that I shouldn't be doing that and that I should be locked in the house forever.

"You are being so over protective right now. Calm down Matt!" I yelled at him.

"I will not clam down. You need to be more responsible and learn that you are not allowed to be doing that." Matt shouted back at me.

"Oh yeah, then what were you doing with a girl today?" I questioned him.

"That is totally off topic." he explained.

"Who was she?" I asked.

"The girl next door, why do you have a problem with her?" he replied.

"No, I was just upset that you didn't tell me. You always tell me that I could tell you anyhting. So why didn't you tell me anything?" I questioned.

"Look Rainy, I don't even know if I like this girl or not. We were just hanging out." he continued.

I nodded my head and went over to give him a hug.

"Don't think you're getting away with kissing Shawn like that." he whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes at him and pulled away from him. The rest of the night we all just sat around and watched TV.

My brothers may be over protective over me but I was the same way with them. I know that's weird but I can't help it. It runs in the family.

Yay another chapter is done! I'm back and better than ever :)

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