Chapter 18

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"So, can we talk about everything now?" I asked softly.

"I guess so." Dad nodded.

"Well, the guy I went out with was...Shawn." I finally let out. That was a lot harder to say outloud than in my head.

Everyone, besides Matt, looked at me in shock. It stayed like that for a couple minutes until Dad started to talk.

"You know the rules and still you went behind our backs. Even if it is Shawn, you're not supposed to date." Dad said.

"But Dad, I really like him. I like him a lot. This is not some stupid crush. Mom would let me see him and face it Dad, I'm not ten, I'm eighteen."

The thought of mom had definitely triggered him but it needed to be said. And he knew that too. He knew that mom would make everything be okay. But she's not here anymore.

"Yes, you're mom would've tried to get me to understand all of this. If this is what you really need and want, then so be it. I just don't want to see my only little girl get a broken heart. You don't deserve that." he continued.

"Thank you Dad. This is what I really want. I love you." I responded.

"I love you too. I suppose I can give you your phone back. But not until tomorrow." he then walked out of the kitchen.

Once he was gone I looked up to see the rest of my family staring at me. Ryan just about looked like he was seeing stars. He definitely was still in shock. I don't blame him. This is his best friend and his little sister together.

"Why him? Why my best friend out of all the guys in this world? I should kill him for even taking you out behind my back!" Ryan questioned.

"Ryan I made him keep it a secret! Keep him out of this. Yes we went out and yes we have feelings for each other, or at least I hope he feels the same way I feel about him. I'm sorry it's not some random guy but aren't you glad that it's someone that you trust? Someone you know that could potentially take care of me? Please try to understand. I'm begging you, Ryan." I begged.

"Come on man. It's Shawn, how bad can he be?" Matt suddenly blurted out. "This is what will make her happy. Don't you want your little sister to be happy?"

"You knew about this? Are you kidding me! When did you find out?" Ryan shouted.

"I just found out on Thursday. Trust me, I would've told you but she wanted to be the person to tell everyone." he answered.

"I don't know what to do Rainy. I mean if this turns out bad it will ruin my friendship with Shawn. What if I did this to one of your friends?" he asked.

"Why, do you like one of my friends? And I don't think it would ruin your friendship. You can still be friends with him. I know that he's your bestfriend. Just like Brooklyn and Rylan are my best friends." I replied.

"Maybe, I don't know..." he started.

"Oh my gosh! Who?!" I interupted him.

"It doesn't matter. She probably doesn't like me anyway." he commented.

"I can ask." I said.

"Okay fine. I think I like Brooklyn. But don't tell her that I like her or anything." he told me.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it on the down low... So are you okay with me going out with Shawn?" I asked.

"I guess. Just be careful please." he asnwered.

"What about you Jacob?" I asked Jacob.

"I'm just upset you didn't tell us. You knew you could talk to us but instead you lied to us." he complained.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt any of your feelings. I love you guys." I answered him.

We all then went in to a bear hug, which I was great full for. I love these family hugs. I can't believe they are letting me go out with Shawn. It's kind of wierd but it's nice knowing I don't have to lie to them anymore.

We all pulled away from the hug and decided to just relax all day. Watching movies and eating junk food with my family is the best way to spend my day.

Thank you guys for reading. I hope you are enjoying my story. I'm really excited for future writing plans for this book. :)

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