Mangle - Meeting your family.

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"Oh sweetie, it's always so good to see you. You're doing well? And how's the baby?" She finally let you go and you looked at her. She looked like she'd been having a hard time sleeping, but other than that she looked fine.

"I'm fine Grandma, and the baby is fine too. He's getting more active, but that's not a bad thing. And I have Mangle here." You'd always called him by his real name around them, making it easier because you didn't have to remember a lie. Your grandmother looked over at Mangle just as your grandfather came to the door.

"So, Mangle huh? What kind of name is that? And what's with those ears? I know that Y/N sometimes wears those for work, but what's your deal?" You didn't think that he would be so quick about digging into your boyfriend like this. Rolling your eyes, the both of you walked inside and shut the door.

"Grandpa, please don't be like that. He's a really sweet guy. And the father of your great-grandson, so try to be nice." You hung up your sweater and walked over to the couch to sit down, Mangle following you and your grandfather went to his chair to glare at the animatronic beside you.

"So, what happened? You didn't want to be safe with her?" Goddamnit, he didn't beat around the bush, did he? You groaned as Mangle spoke up.

"We were safe, but nothing's perfect. But I don't regret what happened. Y/N told me that she had be told she'd never be able to have a baby of her own, so this is a miracle for both of us. And I won't leave her just because you don't like me. I love her and our son, so you're stuck with me." The blush spread across your face because he was being so sweet and you loved every second of it. Your grandmother cane back with cookies and you sighed in relief because you were counting on her to release the tension in the room, something she was exceptionally good at.

"So Mangle, that's an interesting name. Where did that come from?" You hadn't really talked about how exactly to explain everything. Sure, you'd tried to figure it out, but there were just too many ways things could go that you had no way to plan for every scenario.

"It was the name all of the workers at the pizzeria gave me. And that was because I was a mangled mess before Y/N here came and fixed me up before every shift." Well, you had said no lies, so this was as best a starting point as you were going to get.

"Grandma, Grandpa. Mangle isn't human. We still don't know how, but he's able to take on this human form, all of the animatronics at work can become human like this. He's actually one of the robots from work." You stopped and waited for that information to sink in. Your grandmother looked incredibly confused, while your grandfather just laughed.

"You expect us to believe something like that? It's impossible! If he was one of those robots, he'd be made of metal or something." Mangle stood up and there was a bright light as he shifted into robot form. You were so happy that you'd fixed him up as well as you had because he looked so good. After a minute of silence from everyone, Mangle shifted back and sat down, tucking his tail behind him.

"Is that proof enough for you sir?" Both of your grandparents were staring at Mangle in shock. Your grandfather seemed scared, but your grandmother seemed just surprised.

"So, those are your real ears then?" Mangle nodded, flicking them back and forth a few times for good measure. Before you could say anything, your grandmother moved forward and grabbed them, feeling them in confusion.

"Grandma!" Her name came out of your mouth with a laugh as Mangle jerked away, clearly not expecting that.

"They're so soft!" Your grandfather finally snapped out of it and glared at her.

"Don't lunge at the poor boy like that! I may not be his biggest fan, but now he just looks scared." Even though he said that, you noticed your grandfather staring at Mangles's tail. Mangle noticed this and set it on his lap.

"If you want, you can touch it. It's real too." Your grandfather looked suspicious, but he reached out and felt it. He wasn't obvious about it, but your grandfather had a weakness for soft things and you were pretty sure the tail won him over. But your grandmother spoke up and asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"So, will the baby even be human? I mean, with an animatronic father and all. Nothing against you dear, I'm just worried." You and Mangle looked at each other while your grandfather went back to sit in his chair, thinking about what that could mean.

"Well, we don't know. The ultrasounds have shown something on his head, but that could he anything. We'll figure that out when he's born." Your grandmother nodded. The rest of the visit wet well, with all sorts of questions flying around about Mangle and the others. The wave of relief that washed over you was wonderful, and you sighed happily. Now the next big thing was when your son would be born. You knew that you'd have the support of your grandparents now, so everything was going to be just fine, you knew it.

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