Chapter 1: Captured

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After Yang had just realized at what she just did to the two unknown soldiers the rest of team RWBY then got onto their feet. But then as the two German soldiers got back up one of the drew a rifle on the team and aimed it at Yang, but Blake saw this and ran up to the soldier and grabbed the end of his rifle and pulled it out of his hand and then butted the stock into his face making him lose his balance falling down on the other soldier.

"Girls run!" Ruby yelled and then started running through the crowd with the other girls soon following close behind. Blake then dropped the rifle and followed her teammates through the crowd. But as they got clear of the crowd the team ran as fast as they could to get away from the two soldiers and Ruby looked back and saw the two unknown soldiers chasing after them. "They are right behind us run faster!" 

"(Stop you four!)" Hanz yelled. "(Get back here or I will shoot!)"

Not understanding what the soldier just said to them the girls decided to run faster to try and lose the two soldiers. But then one of them blew a whistle that they had to try and alert others of what was happening. The four girls didn't know what the whistle was for but they kept running as fast as they could making a left turn at a crossroads with the two soldiers still on their tail. But as team RWBY rounding the corner a few more of the grey uniform soldiers got up in the way of the four teenage girls. 

The four girls then suddenly stopped in their tracks and when they turned round to try and run the other way a few more of the soldiers formed a wall and aimed their rifles at the four young girls. The girls tried to look for a way to escape but unfortunately there was no escape anywhere at all. Then the two grey uniformed soldiers from before then approached the group out of breath taking deep breaths as they walked up to the group.

"(Huff...huff... thanks for catching those four.)" Karl said as he and his partner stopped at the leader of the group. "(The blonde one attack us, by punching me in the face.)"

"(Is that so?)" the leader asked. "(Where did these girls come from?)"

"(Well I believe they came from a bolt of lighting that struct down in the village not far from here.)" Hanz answered. "(Call me crazy but there were several others who saw it happen.)"

The leader of the group then turned to look at the four young women who were now slightly raising their hands as a gestor of surrender. The leader then turned back to the two soldier and then made a gestor to them to come closer and the two did. 

"(We will have to discuss this more in a private place, not seen in the public.)" the leader whispered. "(But we will have to put the girls in a secured location where they can't get away.)"

"(How about stalag 13?)" Karl suggested. "(There hasn't been a successful escape there before, I don't think they will ever escape from there.)" 

The leader then thought to himself for a moment as Karl did have a point as there was never a successful escape from the camp despite it being run by a incompetent Kommandant by the name of Colonel Klink. 

"(You do make a point private Karl.)" the leader said. "(Go get a truck, we will take them to stalag 13.)"

"Jawohl!" Karl and Hanz said together and then ran off to get a truck to transport the girls. Then the leader turned his attention back to the four teenage girls and pointed his luger P08 pistol at the group.

"You four girls are now prisoners of the 3rd Reich!" The leader shouted. "For assaulting one of our soldiers you will be sent to a Prisoner of war camp in the area and if you try to resist you will be shot!"

The four girls of team RWBY then looked at each other with terrified looks on their faces like it was the end of the world for them. Why not run away you ask, well that's because the four teenagers felt powerless when they woke up and that is the reason they couldn't get away. 

When Huntresses end up in a POW Camp (Hogans Heroes x RWBY Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now