•all hail the underdogs•

Start from the beginning

Any distingiishable features》callused hands

Personality》Callan is a mystery to most people that encounter him. He at first seems like an average, jovial teen but soon enough you see the wit and the cunning lying below the surface. It isn't a bad thing, goodness no, but he is a person full of different opposing traits.

He is overall a very happy guy, being a young adventurer of sorts with no home to tie him down. Boat hopping, town hopping, house hopping...a free spirit. This is all available to him however only because of the lack of connections he has with others. That is perhaps the saddest fate of all. This was until he enlisted to be a guard, perhaps the most interesting adventure of all

Despite his joking nature and light humour, Callan is very mature. He is filled with the wisdom of someone who has lived for 5 times as long as he had. Intelligence dances in his eyes and the well read nature of someone who has been attending school far longer than he did. All of this measured tone and whatnot is a front however. It is a front for the emotions he still has not allowed himself to feel. With adventure comes passion and Callan is passionate alright.

He wants to be self-reliant, to prove his strength and resist weakness, to be important in his world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of his situation. Callan
has enormous willpower and vitality, and he feels most alive when he is exercising these capacities in the world. Callan uses his abundant energy to effect changes in his environment—to “leave his mark" on it—but also to keep the environment, and especially other people, from hurting him and those they care about. At an early age, Callan understood that this requires strength, will, persistence, and endurance—qualities that he developed in himself and which he looks for in others.

Although he is usually aware of what people think of him, Callan does not let the opinions of others sway him. He goes about his business with a steely determination that can be awe inspiring, even intimidating to others.
However, Callan is desperately afraid of being hurt emotionally and will use his physical strength to protect his feelings and keep others at a safe emotional distance. Beneath the tough facade is vulnerability, although it has been covered over by layer of emotional armor and humour

Preferred weapon》twin daggers

⚊training- he really wants to be a guard and has also met alot of his friends through this whole training experience that he has had
⚊food- he talks about food a bit too much for it to be...well...normal at all and the guards joke about it
⚊travelling- boats, carts, really anything is so fun to him
⚊daggers- none of this sword stuff, he prefers something light and agile
⚊comedy- no armour is as good an armour as humour amirite ladies? Ladies? Hello?
⚊music- he plays the banjo, aswell as the piano and violin
⚊beaches- it always feels like he's on the edge of the world
⚊singing- you will never, ever, ever get him to sing though unless you are his mother or possess a deep and dark secret of his

⚊the ropes- climbing up ropes in training is the worst thing ever in the world, it hurts more than anything
⚊bo staffs- fuck these okay? You're so far away from your opponent the whole time
⚊personal questions- its like someone knocking on that good ol emotional armour he has
⚊people trying to help him- he knows they're being nice but help is something he has tried his best to not ever need from anyone
⚊books- reading? Really? Yeah no he is okay thanks, though he does like a good atlas
⚊vinegar- why would you ruin perfectly good food with that sour monstrosity???
⚊cats- the one fear that this strong trainee guard has is...cats. they can stay the fuck away from him
⚊staying in one place too long

⚊he is super strong

⚊immature at times

Habits》playing with his hair, clearing his throat when things get awkward, terribly placed jokes is a big one

Growing up, Callan lived with his mother, 2 little brothers and 2 little sisters. His uncle, James, would always visit and tell tales of battles that led him all around the world, tell stories of the scars littering his face and arms. He was a guard and it was the most admirable thing to young Callan. He taught Callan how to fight, and they spent so much time together he may aswell have been James' son. He wanted to be like his uncle. James' wife had passed long ago and he only had one child who left to go pursue high society so in many ways...adventure was his bride. It was when Callan was 14 he got the news that the uncle he had adored so much had fallen ill, so he set off to go care for him. He spent 9 months there in the village his uncle had situated his mansion in, helping both James and the townspeople. Often James would mistake Callan for his son and he would just play along, calling him father. He wanted James dying thinking atleast his son had come back to see him one last time. Sepsis claimed his life after those 9 months and after mourning deeply for a month, Callan set off. He couldn't stay in that house and anyways, he had permission from James to sell the land to give back to the community, there were too many memories there.  Returning home he knew what he wanted to do, and signed up for training as a royal guard...after his mother yelled at him for being gone so long.

Thoughts on the new kids arriving》
Just more people to tell his hilarious jokes to! As long as they don't eat the food he likes from the castle pantry, they can be friends. It'll also be interesting training with magic people, even if deeeeeep down he feels it may make him and his skills a bit useless

Thoughts on the royals》 He likes them....well most of them, the oldest princess scares him a little. Okay, alot. She's like a little devil or something its crazy, she's crazy.

Theme song》
Renegades- X Ambassadors

Talk Too Much- COIN

Below My Feet- Mumford and Sons

"Food and sarcasm. That's pretty much my whole identity"

"This is my fight!"

"Im just a guy with some knives, I didn't ask for all this magic stuff!"

Extra》he carries his uncle's bible with him everywhere

" running wild and running free
two kids, you and me "

" running wild and running freetwo kids, you and me "

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