"i know, but i wanted to apologize again. i just want to hear your response other than a 'meow'." taehyung said. "you apologized for scratching me and promised you wouldn't and you even kept your promise too."

"you took care of me though," yoongi said as he reached out and placed a hand on taehyung's cheek. he tried to ignore the urge to run his hands down a shirtless taehyung's toned chest.

the small gesture reminded taehyung of when the cat would rest his paw on his cheek. he reached out and put his hand over yoongi's hand. "i feel like i owe you more than just taking care of you."

"you don't owe me anything," yoongi said, feeling the heat rush to his face as taehyung's hand rested over his. he was thankful that the room was dark, but he hoped the moonlight wouldn't make his blushing cheeks noticeable.

"do you think i will turn into a cat?" taehyung asked.

"i don't know. you showed to grow fond of me while in my cat form, but i don't think that's enough."

"what happened to you before you turned into a cat?"

"i was just a big animal hater who didn't listen when jimin tried to help me."

"will you turn back into a human if you succeed in helping me? you already learned your lesson." taehyung said as he gave yoongi's hand a small squeeze.

yoongi pretended that the small gesture didn't impact him. "i don't know either. i asked jimin too, but said he didn't know either."

"i think you deserve to stay a human."

"and leave jungkook all by himself?" yoongi teased.

taehyung chuckled. "i don't think is by himself." he said as he thought of the counters between the bunny and the healer. "he has hoseok."

"i suppose you are right." yoongi said. "but if someone asks who my best friend is, they'll think it's weird that i have a bunny as a best friend."

taehyung laughed before pulling yoongi's hand away from his cheek and intertwining their hands under the blanket.

once again yoongi pretended that taehyung's actions didn't have the slightest effect on him.


hoseok kept his promise. he had surprised jungkook at the animal shelter the next day.

taehyung stared fondly at the two before yoongi nudged him. he turned to him and gave a confused expression.

"go talk to jimin, while jungkook and hoseok are distracted," he whispered. 

taehyung hesitated.

"just talk things out."

taehyung slowly nodded and made his way to the back of the animal shelter where jimin was busy feeding the animals breakfast.

feeling another presence jimin turned. he awkwardly stared at taehyung, unsure of what to do or say.

"jimin, i want to apologize." taehyung said, surprising the boss. "i took what you said too seriously. me and yoongi talked last night too. he turns into a cat when i kiss him and he'll only be human for a while until my time is up. i don't think it's possible for us to catch feelings."

"if you guys catch feelings...it'll be hard to move on. this happened before with one of the cats in the animal kingdom." jimin explained. "his name was jinyoung and the person who he was trying to help was a cat hater like you, jaebeom. they caught feelings, jinyoung turned back into a cat though after jaebeom learned his lesson, but he was helpless without jinyoung. jaebeom even adopted five cats the last time i checked on him. he was hurting a lot that i had to erase his memory of jinyoung and everyone and everything else he knew about the animal kingdom...it'll hurt me if the same thing happens to you, taehyung. you're my best friend, i don't want to erase your memory."

jimin looked at taehyung with sad eyes, hoping that taehyung understood why he didn't want him to fall in love with yoongi. "i just want to look out for you, as well as yoongi. it'll be painful for him as well."

taehyung nodded. "i understand, i really shouldn't have gotten mad at you. i'm really sorry jimin. you don't have to worry about me and yoongi catching feelings, although i have grown fond of him, there's someone else i'm interested in. do you remember the guy i told you about who took yoongi because he didn't want anything bad to happen to him?"

jimin nodded. "yes what's his name?"

"his name is namjoon and he has the most beautiful smile and the deepest dimples."

jimin chuckled. "maybe i should start giving you some more days off so that you can spend more time with namjoon."

taehyung's eyes glittered with excitement. "can i?"

"how about weekends?"

and that was how taehyung found himself texting namjoon asking if he wanted to hang out on saturday night.


there's only room for one bunny for hoseok to call cute and to remind who's his favorite patient

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there's only room for one bunny for hoseok to call cute and to remind who's his favorite patient

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