11. Proposal (Original shipping)

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(Hello everyone!
I got inspiration for another chapter.
Thanks to the art above.
This is an au story where Green and Red are adults and are in university.
Red passed his championship title to the next contender. And Green took a break from the gym to study further.
Pokemon is not mine.
The art is not mine

It had been a really busy day at the Kalos University. Green would be happy when his dissertation is finally over. He is hoping to finish it by the time college ends. He walked back to the rented apartment that he and Eevee shared with his long time friend and partner Red and his Pikachu. Green had his internship at a local research lab while Red worked as a tourist guide while he was not attending classes.

Green's grandpa wanted to have Green working in his lab but Green had insisted on being able to do things on his own. Red had joined him after passing on the title of championship to Gold a trainer from Jhoto. Red insisted it was because he wanted to complete his own education but one look at his flushed face told everyone another story. Green felt really flattered by it truly, especially when Red followed him to Kalos.

Pokemon pov:

Eevee who was with Green went inside to greet Pikachu, -I am home.-

Pikachu perked up, -Welcome back.-

Eevee: -Hey Pikachu, what's up?-

Pikachu: -Nothing much just chilling!-

Eevee: -I think Green might ask Red to be his mate.-

Pikachu: -Really? About time if you ask me. Should we give them space?-

Eevee nodded in agreement and joined Pikachu to cuddle with him, -Yes, let us just relax near the heater. It is cold out there at this time of the year.-

Pikachu nuzzled him, -Yeah, that is an understatement.-

Pokemon pov ends!

Green had entered the apartment and locked the door. He took off his lab coat and placed his bag on the table. He was about to announce he was back when he felt strong arms going around his waist. He smelt Red's deodorant and felt his face flush at the contact. It was one of the things Green noticed about Red the last few months. Red had become more open with him, but then again they are partners.

Green turned to hug him back, "I am back."

Red still hugging him, "Welcome back ~"

Green kissed his forehead, "Did you miss me?"

Red kissed his cheek, "I did! Did you miss me?"

Green, "Yeah! Hey Red, can we talk?"

Red let's him go and Green turns around to grab the stuff he had brought with him. Red nodded his head in answer thinking he needed his help with a project and lead the way to the couch where Pikachu and Eevee were already relaxing. It was not the first time Red helped Green with his papers and would not be the last.

Red, "What do you want to talk about?"

Green, "Red, I wanted to talk about us. I mean I know we are friends, best friends but lately I have been feeling it's become more. I want us to be more."

Red looked at Green, "We can be anything we want to be Green. There's no rush."

Green, "I know. It's just, I think I want more."

Green looks at Red, "Would you be against that? If I wanted more out of what we have between us!"

Red smiled, "If it's you Green, then no, I would not be against it. I have been wanting more from us as well lately."

Green, "I want to do this properly then."

Green got up and went to his bag. He searched and came across a red rose bouquet that he had carefully wrapped and placed inside earlier. He opened the wrap and took out a small box from his pocket. He took the flowers and the box to Red.

Green got down on one knee, "Red we have known each other since childhood. We started our journey together. Fought together and got over hurdles together. We have been partners for as long as I can remember. Will you marry me, Red?"

Red who was watching Green started to flush, Green found it really cute. He opened the small box which showed a silver ring with a white pearl on it. Red took the flower from Green and smiled.

Red, "I would love to Green."

Green smiled and placed the engagement ring on Red's finger and kissed it. He had thought long and hard about how he wanted to propose to Red. He knew Red hated the spotlight so proposing in public place was out. He also knew Red preferred simple things but at the same time he also wanted Red to know he adores and loves him. The ring had belonged to his grandma. His grandpa had proposed to her with it. And he wanted to show Red he was part of his family and life and Samuel had given him the ring.


Samuel, "I know how much Red means to you son. Believe me, I was crazy about your grandma as well when I was younger."

Green, "It's hard to imagine you as a young person gramps."

Samuel snorted, "One day you will be as old as I am and giving that ring to your grandchild. It's a tradition you know? For a grandparent in our family to help their grandchild out."

Green's eyes widened, "Gramps you can't be serious. This ring is... It belongs to... "

Samuel nodded, "It belonged to my grandma and before her, her grandpa and well I am not sure how old it is now. All I can say is that it's tradition and has been with our family since the first Oak was born."

Green cradled the ring, "Oh! That's amazing Gramps! I had no idea we had such an old artefact in our family. I wonder what secrets it must have seen."

Samuel laughed, "Who knows son, who knows! Maybe one day someone will create a machine to read the past and they'll find out."

Green laughed, "Perhaps, anyway how is Daisy and my nephew Gary doing? I have not seen them since college started."

Samuel, "Oh they are doing well, Gary has learned to walk."

Flashback end!

Green, "Red, I booked a place for us to have dinner tonight. May we?"

Red, "Of course! Are we going like this?"

Green gave a mischievous smile, "Don't worry we still have two hours before our reservation. Shower together?"

Red smirked back, "Why not? Next time though I'm taking you to dinner."

Green, "Of course!"

(That's all folks.
I wanted a little fluffy romance.
Screw me.
I'm a sucker for it.
Till next time.)

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