7. Christmas (Original, Metal and Pallet shipping)

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(Hello everyone!
I got inspired by Christmas to make a Christmas fanfic and this picture was prompting me to write and let my imagination go wild.
This is an au where Red and Green are not Pokemon trainers.
And Ash and Gary are still toddlers.
Same rules as before.
I own nothing.)

It was a lovely Christmas morning, Red and Green were relaxing in Green's room. Their parents were all out doing last minute Christmas shopping but did not want to leave the kids alone so they allowed Red and his younger brother Ash to stay at the Oak mansion. The mansion was pretty cozy and Red relaxed next to Green. They were watching over their younger siblings. Gary played Pokemon in the game consoles and Ash enjoyed playing with the toys. It was nice to spend time together.

The oldest Oak sibling, Daisy was coming over later in the evening with her boyfriend Bill. They would be picking up Grandpa Sam from the research laboratory. Red's elder sister Yellow and her boyfriend Natura or N as he preferred to be called were helping their parents shop. Instead of going on a Pokemon journey like their elder sisters Red had decided study to take over his parents restaurant while Green decided to study to become a surgeon. They admit that Daisy being a Pokemon top coordinator and Yellow being one of the best Pokemon Nurse was amazing but they wanted to follow their own path. 

As much as they loved Pokemon they did not want to travel. Red was someone who enjoyed feeding others his own cooked meals more and Green was he realized was more interested in learning human medicine. They did travel around as per the traditional requirement for a few years till Green learned about Kalos University that gave courses for trainers to study about human medicine. Red on the other hand had gotten an apprenticeship with one of the restaurant owners at Galar. They had both decided to pursue their interest instead of traveling when they had no interest in battling.

Their family was supportive and Yellow bragged about her younger brother's cooking while Daisy always made sure Green was taking breaks while studying. Despite what Green says, he did inherit their grandpa's overworking nature. Now, they were back in Pallet town enjoying a well earned winter vacation. They noticed Gary and Ash walking up to them with expectant expressions on their chubby faces. They were only five and four years old respectively and still had baby fat on their cheeks.

Gary showed the game boy he was playing, "Green! Look! Look! I beat the boss!" 

Ash, "Wed! Gawy was so cool! He beat the boss."

Gary shoved the game console against his brother. Green chuckled ruffling Gary's hair, his baby brother was just so adorable. Red huffed holding his cooing back from the two adorable toddlers in front of them. They could not help but reach out and cuddle them closer to them. They were just too cute to not cuddle.

Red nuzzled Ash, "Yeah, you beat the bad guy. Good job, Gary!"

Green placed Gary on his lap, "Great job baby, bro. I am proud of you. That was impressive."

Gary puffed his chest up, "I am going to go on a journey, just like in the game."

Ash nodded his head, "And I will gov wivh you. We can have a..ventures together."

Ash cuddled closer to Red while Gary made himself comfortable in Green's lap. It would be a few more hours till their parents return. They could simply spend it cuddling under the blankets or their cuddle session would be disturbed by someone. They heard knocking from the door and a very familiar voice calling for Red, which surprised him. Red handed Ash to Green, where he promptly cuddled closer to Gary and went to answer the door.

Red raised his eye brow on seeing the person at the door, "Gold?.... Not like I am not happy to see you but what are you doing here? Silver? You're here too?"

Silver sighed jabbing a finger at the shorter teen, "Yeah, this idiot dragged me with him."

Gold rubbed his neck sheepishly, "Come on cuz. Can't I come visit my favorite two cousins in the world?"

Red lifted his eyebrow at that, "At our home, yes, you definitely can... However.. At Green's place.... Hm....  You got lost didn't you?"

Gold gave a sheepish laugh at them before he and Silver were ushered inside to get warm and out of the cold. Red had helped his cousin out while he and Green were checking out the Jhoto region. Gold had gotten himself involved with a bunch of poachers so Red and Green had given him a hand. Then they met Silver who was trying to bring down Team Rocket and helped him out as well. 

Gold cooed as he went straight to where Green was, "Baby cousin! How's my favorite baby cousin in the world doing?"

Ash shrieked as Gold tried to hug him with cold hands, "Eh, Gold? Youv awe hewe..... Waiv! Nooooooo. Youw hands awe cold."

Gary jumped up, "Get off my Ashy! You will make him sick."

Gold, "Come on Gare bare ~ Share would ya!"

Gary glared or rather pouted at Gold, "Get warmed up first."

Green, "You should have told us you were coming Gold..... You got lost didn't you?"

Gold whined, "Why does everyone think I got lost?"

Gary snickered, "Because you get lost?"

Ash giggled at Gold's expression, his cousin is really funny. Silver sighed at his boyfriend's antics. Red just gestured him to come in and join them. Silver took out the cups of hot chocolate mix.

Silver decided to ignore his boyfriend's shenanigans, "We ran into your parents and they said we could stay over at your house."

Red gave a nod and decided to make hot chocolate for everyone to drink while they waited for their parents to pick them up. It was a pleasant Christmas for them. Family and friends all together what more could they ask for. Well, together till New year's at least and then back to the grinder for everyone. But that was a head ache for after the holidays.

(Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Nothing is cuter than some fluff. And nothing is sweeter than toddler Ash and Gary.
See you next chapter.)

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