•Invisible Friendzone•

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*Day Of Jin and Hani's Wedding*

Hani sat silently in the same spot she usually sat at in the bar, Jackson walking in afterward followed by Jihoon and Jun, all of them ordering a round of drinks while Hani and Jackson appeared to sulk together in the silent bar.

The light was dim, Hani shuffling her dress onto the chair she was on, the guys all adjusting their suits and tuxes.

"You never intended to marry him, did you?" Jackson asked one of his eyebrows raised at Hani who had a suspicious look on her face.

She smiled to herself, grabbing the glass she was given and simply toying with it.

"Yeah. To be fair I never wanted to marry him, so why give them what they wanted? I'd be one more idiot added to the long list of minions my father and Mr.Kim have."

The guys nodded in agreement, all of them taking a drink while Hani simply continued to play with the glass, eying the alcohol at the bottom.

"Sorry for using you Jackson, I had no intention in getting you friendzoned," she chuckled.

"HEY! SHUT IT!" He yelled at her, the other guys giggling and patting his back.

"Just, whatever, don't be sorry. It was inevitable. I had many chances to speak up, but I didn't so it was my own loss," Jackson added, taking another long drink.

"Also, Hani here," Jihoon said suddenly, passing a file he had in a briefcase he had placed on the floor earlier.

She grabbed it slowly, opening it up, and looking through it. The pictures, the words, a small USB sitting at the bottom of the file. Hani's eyes went wide.

"This is-"

"All the information needed to convict your father and Jin's stepmother for murder," Jun interrupt, Hani closing the file and putting it in a bag.

"Also, question, why is it that you are still in your wedding dress?" Jihoon questioned, pointing at her body.

They all looked around, some of the people in the bar staring at Hani with a curious look on their faces. Hani sighed, grabbing her cup and raising it high up.


The people shrugged, the boys beginning to drink while Hani just went back to staring at her cup.

"You want to go home?" Jackson mumbled, the bar suddenly being filled with people from her wedding venue.

"Yeah. I think I should go."

"I'll go with you, want me to drive?" Jackson asked, Hani getting off the chair with the help of Jun and Jihoon.

"No, you actually drank, I think I'll drive. If you want we can get some beers at the convenience store and drink at my place, guys wanna join?" she asked, looking back at Jun and Jihoon.

"Yeah, we'll meet you all there," Jun smiled, Hani waving before walking out with Jackson, both of them getting into Hani's car, driving out of the bar area, and into the road towards the city.

"You okay?" Jackson asked, moving the radio knob to change the station.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I-"

Reaching the front of a convenience store, here eyes glossed over, Jackson getting out to buy beer while Hani sat there, a white tint covering her eyes suddenly.

There was a cold chill that ran down her some, her arms filling with goosebumps while her body felt numb.

There he stood, in the distance, Jae, her ex-fiance.

"H-honey?" she whispered into the hair.

Jae seemed to smile at her, his hand going up to wave at her.

"Move on," he whispered, Hani's eyes tearing up.

"Honey, I miss you," she cried out, Jae smiling sadly before turning around.

"Give someone new a chance. I loved you...goodbye," Jae seemed to say, walking away from her, the tint leaving Hani's eyes.

"But with who," Hani sighed, cleaning her eyes, Jackson opening the car door.

Placing some bags down, Hani turned to look at him, her eyes widening.

Jackson smiled, putting on his seatbelt before changing the radio channel again.

Hani shook her head, turning on the car before beginning to drive, moving her dress up and under herself.

Not him right?

"Jae was one silly man," she mumbled to herself, a tear rolling down her face while Jackson looked at her confused.

"Let's get wasted tonight, Jackson." 


🐨Super short and bad but I hope this wrapped part of it up, two chapters to the final!! 

Mama KoalaBeaw


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