•Ment To Love

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If you are easily triggered or have had experience or are unable to read anything with the mention of r*pe, abuse, sexual assault, etc. please DO NOT READ.

I get very personal down below and do not want to make anyone cry or feel any sort of anxiety bc of my words.


Now the reason why I decided to just tell you what happens rather than let you read lengthy writing of the main points is because

1)Ain't nobody got time for that


2) There are certain points that only by being written simply, can be explained. 

This chapter will be short since it is about our lovely Hani and her perspective of living with her father and being used like a slut. 

Yes, she was considered a slut in her own father's eyes.

Hani had no other choice but to do it, or else he sisters would be put in her place.

At least that was what her father had said, promising to keep them out of the business if she took their place, yet having her sisters become escorts four years after she did, simply because he could.

Now I'm going to get a bit personal here...

I was a victim at some point in my life of repeated abuse, but I won't go into detail in case my sisters read this. (They are on Wattpad and don't need the gruesome details of something we've talked about before and I want to put behind me).

"If it isn't you, it'll be your sisters."

Many r*pe victims have different stories as to why they complied with the abuse. Mine was my female family members. I had to protect them. Plus add on what I consider brainwashing, making the abused believe they liked it and having them do outrages things, and well, I believe there are others out there that have reasons to not scream, to not tell someone, either because of shame or to protect themselves or others.

I think I tried to encompass this into Hani.

She is what I wish I could be sometimes...fearless and strong.

She fought against her father as much as she could but eventually gave in.

That's until Jae finds her in the street and she comes to find out he had a childhood crush on her. He takes her in, buys her from her father, and we see their love story unfold.

I mean, as I said before, Hani is like a mother figure to Jae. 

She makes Jae very happy, which makes Jin highkey jealous. To be fair for a long time it was only Jae and Jin, their father being a pain to both of them, and more of a burden.

Hani was like a light in Jae's clouded consciousness. 

Did I mention she also begun studying witchcraft in hopes of helping Jae with his curse?

By no means does love cure-all.

I'm not saying that.

From experience, I know it does not heal wounds nor does it help it scar.

The pain won't go away. However, for Hani, Jae is her escape, an escape from reality which is what I looked for in many people.

I hope this explains a bit about Hani and her character.

~Mama KoalaBeaw

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