8. I was a villains lackey. What a fool I am.

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Danzo was executed.

I was flabbergasted when I heard the news myself in all honesty. I'd been hiding out in my home lab for a few months after the talk with Sensei and using the research I'd made to look over the four floating bodies in my tanks. They were children sized now and I found myself growing slightly impatient to begin the first trails already. 

Every day I watched and continued my maintenance of the bodies so they wouldn't die of simple things like needing sustenance. They were nothing but soulless husks at this point but they were alive. 

I had never seen my Father with long hair before, and I found it made him look surprisingly girly. He had been a buff type of man when I grew up and now I could see why he had worked so hard to gain muscles like that even though body building in that manner as detrimental to speed for shinobi. Though now I can see where my gentle jaw came from, along with my long delicate fingers. My mother was an androgynous as always, even with long hair. She had sharp eyes and a pointed nose and lips that looked entirely too mischievous for the type of woman I knew she was. Her gray skin and purple clan markings around her eyes made her look similar to me but that was where the similarities ended. I looked entirely liked my father, though my eyes had a sharper curve than his.

I got the best of both of them. 

I dragged my eyes away to look at the two mini-Hokage. Hashirama looked dorky as a child, with eyes too big for his face and wide lips. He eventually grew into his over sized mouth and eyes but I imagine he spent a great deal of his childhood feeling self-conscious. Tobirama was the complete opposite. His face was far too beautiful to be fair, with a small pointed chin, thick lashes over narrow eyes and a perfectly proportioned mouth and nose. The white hair only made him more exotic. I returned to my journal and scribbled a few paragraphs before deciding it was time to go out into the world and buy some groceries. 

I hadn't even been sending shadow clones out for Mito's training anymore. I wasn't too sure how she'd feel about her apprentice playing around with her dead husbands body so I didn't go to find out. Hiruzen was planning to lay it all out after all. 

I tidied up a little before climbing the latter to my study before closing the trap door behind me and placing the pillow on top for perfection. I stood and began stripping out of my four day worn yukata cleaned myself up before changing into my regular shinobi clothes. My white haori with dark blue obi, fish net shirt, dark grey shinobi pants, and calf high shinobi boots. I hid my weapons on my person and made my way to the market with my head held high and wariness in my eyes.

I ignored the whispers as I took my usual route through the stalls before stopping at the stall that had the best dango. I had a particular fondness for the plump partially sweet dough and the craving for it came too quickly and too hard for me to overcome. 

"Twenty sticks of Dango." I said calmly as I looked up at the sign. I looked at the different types of sweets and tea and contemplated getting something more before pulling out the required ryo to hand the the shop keep. I looked up at the same time shop keep man did and watched as he froze, his eyes widening in disbelief before he squealed loudly. 

"Or-Orochimaru-sama!" The man stuttered. "I couldn't dare take your money! Not after what you've done for this village oh boy here I'll have your order done in a jiffy just you wait Orochimaru-sama!"

I put my money back and nodded before sitting on the stool before leaning on the high leveled table and resting my chin on my open palm. I ignored the stares of the civilians and relaxed at the feeling of no longer having those pesky stalkers. I also ignored the niggling worry of Mito and Tsunade hating me and took a small easy breath and drooped my eyes lazily to stare at the people walking passed. I felt a tug on the edge of my haori and slowly looked down at the small yellow haired thing staring up at me with starry blue eyes.

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