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Emily: Helloooooo everybody, It's Emily welcoming you back to a Magic Animal Club truth or dare! Once again, joined by Heidi!

Heidi: And I get to choose a challenge for you!!!!

Emily: Ok then.

Heidi: I want you to swing from the chandelier singing Chandelier!!!

Emily: Sure. *climbs up onto the magnificent light fitting*

Heidi: *grins* Break a leg!

Emily: *singing while swinging side to side* (don't do this at home 😄)

I..... Wanna swing from the chandelieeeeer, from the chandelieeeeeeeer.

Heidi: *clapping and cracking up laughing* Ok, you can get down now.

Emily: *carefully gets down* Ok, our dare for today is from fnaflover1!

Fnaf: Hi!

Emily: Your dare?

Fnaf: I dare Sqaishey to play Five Nights at Freddy's.

Heidi: What is it with this stupid game? It's almost as bad as Min-

Emily: *cutting Heidi off* Ok, Sqaishey come in!

Sqaishey: What is it?

Fnaf: I dare Sqaishey to play Five Nights at Freddy's.

Sqaishey: Ok, it can't be that bad. It's just a game after all...

Emily: *muttering* Famous last words.

Emily: Ok then, Sqaishey, if you sit down here, the game is already open for you.

Sqaishey: Ok then. *sits and holds the mouse* How do you walk?

Fnaf: You don't.

Sqaishey: Well, that's boring. What do I do now?

Emily: Check all the cameras. *Pointing at the screen* See in that one there are 4 animals? Well, check every once in a while to see if they are there.

Sqaishey: *starts to play with the door and lights*

Emily: Don't do that!

Sqaishey: Why has it gone all dark?

Emily: You used up all the power...

Sqaishey: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! *screaming*

Emily: Yeah that giant bear face that just popped up, that's Freddy.

Sqaishey: *still screaming, runs away*

Emily: Thanks, fnaflover1, though Sqaishey might never be the same again... Anyways, thank you to you guys, sorry it was so short and see you soon! *waving* Byeeeeee!

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