Chapter 6.

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* Robert *

I watched Selene run out, leaving me to deal with Blaine. Damn it. I mean, I understand. But I didn't know what all she was okay with me telling him. "Ask away." I simply stated.

"So she is Silence, as in our singer?" Thank goodness he went for the easiest question. I nodded.

"And since she is 'mute' that is why no one figured it would be her?" I nodded again.

"Her real name is Selene, and not Raine? That's her middle name?" Nodding again, I wondered when he was going to get to the real questioning.

"She is being hunted or chased down or whatever you want to call it, by a psychopath?" Again, I nodded.

"Jesus christ man, have you gone mute too, help me out here!" Blaine threw his hands up, looking like a child throwing a tantrum. Since Selene had already given the basics, I figured it would be alright to tell him the rest. Plus, I trusted him with my life.

"Selene has always been blessed with a beautiful voice. When she would talk, people would stop just to listen to her, not even paying attention to what she was saying. She started to sing at talent shows. She has always loved to sing, and it became her life long dream to become a famous singer. Even at an early age, she caught the attention of many people. When she talks, people stop, but when she sings... God, even as a child, people would be put in a trance. She had started putting videos on youtube. Everyone loved her. Some way more than others though. One became obsessed. Sending her disturbing comments on the site. Even got a hold of her facebook, and messaged her nonstop. One day, he figured out her phone number and traced her location. She had just turned 16 a week before. She wanted to go shopping, so I decided as her birthday present from me, I would take her." I took a deep breath as all the memories started coming back to me.

"I decided to go to the shop across the street from the one she was in because I noticed something in the window she would love. When the sales woman was getting it for me, I watched her step out of the store she was in, only to be grabbed from behind. I watched, I couldn't move. For someone with such a heavanly voice, has the worst possible scream you will ever hear. It haunted me for years. Anyways, her terrified scream brought me out of my trance and I quickly bolted for the door. Thank goodness my car was parked right there, because by the time I got outside they already had her knocked out and into the back seat." Closing my eyes, I willed the tears away. She was like my sister, and I had stood there and watched as she got abducted.

"I followed them in my car until we came to an abandoned building. When they had turned onto the secluded paved road, I made sure to keep my distance. I didn't want to tip them off. When the house came into view, I ditched my car and took off on foot. It wasn't anything nice. Run down, boards littered the ground, in all honesty, half of it was burnt to a crisp. The only reason why I was able to get her out of there was because they had left. There were only two of them, but they had weapons. That's not something I could compete with at the time. I watched, and watched, and waited for them to leave though. I heard her screams, and couldn't do anything about it. It was dark when they finally left without her." I took another deep breath steadying myself for the worst.

"When I walked in, the view before me sent me to my knees. Her face was unrecognizable. Her nose was broke, her lip split in multiple places, and not a spot on her face was left untouched. I would of called the cops, when she got taken, but I didn't have my phone on me. I just sat there and cried while she screamed out for someone, anyone. Who does that?" I laughed bitterly.

"And she still trusts me with everything, fuck! Anyways, she was unconscious. I took her to the nearest hospital. Come to find out they even broke two of her ribs. As soon as she woke up though, she flipped. Said we needed to leave. Since she was so frantic, I listened. Good thing too. When I got her to the car, a man came running out of the hospital screaming no matter what he had to do, he would find her again. That she was his. I went to take her home, but she freaked. She talked me into giving her the car and some cash, and took off on the run. She's been running since, for ten years, Blaine."

I looked over at my friend to find him speechless. He always had something to say, so this was new. So I decided to continue.

"Her natural hair color is blonde, and she used to wear pink, frilly, girly clothes her mom used to love. She changed everything about herself. Her hair color, her style, and even stopped talking. She hasn't even contacted her parents since that day. She doesn't know this but I told them what happened. Every now and then I call to give them an update, let them know their daughter is still alive. She blamed herself, and her voice for what happened to her. But she could never leave her passion for singing behind. So when she asked me about the shadow box idea. I agreed. She needed something from her old life back. Something that was origanlly part of who she was. We talked about the dangers of it, and her exact words were, 'Robert, I've left everything behind. I know this is a risk, but this is the only thing I won't give up. This is what makes me... me. And I can't/won't ever stop.' So she made a plan and gave it to me earlier today, right before you came in the first time."

I waited patiently. I knew he would have something to say about all of this, how could one not? I just didn't expect what came out of his mouth.

"Let me see the paper she gave you."

"What? No. I can't do that. She is probably already going to kill me for what I've just said." I argued.

"Robert, listen to everything you just said. Whoever this person is seems to be willing to do whatever it takes to get her. I mean ten years? That's dedication. More than one person needs to have the information. If these people are as crazy as it sounds, they will stop at nothing. Including going to every person who has ever known her. We don't know how dangerous he is, and they don't know who all she has confided in. I need that paper, and you know it."

I thought it over, what he said was true. "Alright, but you can't take the paper, just put it in your phone or something." I said, handing it over. He quickly stored the information then handed it back.

"You need to get rid of that, tear it up or something just in case."

I did as I was told and quickly tore it into about ten peices, then threw it in the trash. "Done, now text me the info. I have a lock on my phone."

"Alright, I'll call you tomorrow to make sure everything went okay with her. And you can give her a heads up about me knowing. I'm heading out, this is all too much for me."

"I understand. I'm going to be here for a little while longer." He quickly left the room; I hope I did the right thing.

Twenty minutes into my work, I heard a commotion from downstairs. 'What the fuck?' Before I reached the door though, it busted open. I came face to face with the same man who first took Selene ten years ago. And he looked pissed.

"Where the fuck is she?"

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