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A crowd gathered on the sidewalk as her voice carried throughout the streets. People stood in an amlost trance like state. Ever since the new singer started working at Serene, it had become the new 'it' place to be. The cover charge had increased, and the line now streched almost half a mile down the street. Some didn't even bother going inside, for they could hear the heavanly voice by standing on the sidewalk in front of the club. Her voice would slowly draw you in, as if she was a siren at sea, waiting for her saliors to crash upon the rocks.

Serene had always been a nice club to visit. It was more high end then the others. Relaxing. Maybe have a few drinks, and dance a little. But the singer they called Silence, made the place what it was. Her voice would travel throughout your body, send shivers down your back. Could make you feel so relaxed and turned on at the same time.

There was never a face to put with the voice. She was locked away in a shadow box, at the very top of the club, with the only entry and exit way through the back. Her silhouette did enough for most; People didn't even bother trying to catch a glimpse of her. She would move in such an intoxicating way, you would forget about seeing her face, until you realized she was gone. Disappeared as if she had never been there.

But one was more determined. He would stop at nothing until he had her in his crutches.

"She will be mine again," his sinister voice carried to the man sitting opposite of him, "Do you understand me? You will help me figure out who she is now. I've lost track of her too many times.

"Yes sir," his company complied.

Silence of SereneWhere stories live. Discover now