Chapter 4.

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* Selene *

I was washing down the bar just after my last set for the night when a sinister laugh echoed from the back room. I froze. That laugh sounded so familiar. I couldn't bring myself to move. I tried getting my thoughts in order. 'I'm not in California anymore.' I repeated to myself a few times. 'I'm on the other side of the country, I moved far enough away.' I almost screamed when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Is everything alright?" Blaine's expression was one of worry. I nodded, and sent him a smile hoping it looked real, but the look never left his face.

"Are you sure, you look like you've seen a ghost Raine?" He pushed.

I quickly grabbed a pen and napkin. 'I'm sure, but thanks anyways.' I wrote.

As he looked over my shoulder, his breath fanned across my neck down to my collarbone, making goosebumps appear. If he noticed he didn't say anything and for that I was thankful.

"Alright, I know when to let something go. But if you ever need any thing. You can talk to me. Um... I mean write.." he rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand. "I know you don't know me well or anything, but I really do care for my employees, and if there is ever any trouble, I would like to know. " I nodded my head, and this time sent him a real grin. I would never take him up on that offer, but it was still a nice gesture. He did seem like a trusting man, but with the way my body reacted around him; I could never let him get close.

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* Blaine *

I turned and started to walk away with a heavy heart. Something was bothering her. What bugged me though, is that I wanted to figure it out, and make it better. I made my way to Robert's office again. As I walked in, it seemed he was engrossed with some paperwork.

"Something is up with Raine. I think we should let her off early." I quickly got to the point.

"What do you mean? Is she alright? Did anything happen?" He started firing off questions.

My eyes narrowed, "Do ya'll have a thing going on or something?" The thought of it filled me with rage.

He laughed, "Oh god no! I've known her since we were kids. She is more like a sister, now is she okay?"

I breathed a sigh of relief. 'Thank God!'

"Um, I don't know. I was about to leave when I saw the look on her face. She was pale white, almost looked like she had seen a ghost! I asked her if everything was okay and she told me it was, but.. I don't know. I have a feeling it's not."

Next thing we know the door is being busted open.

"What the fuck?" I screeched.

"I have to go. Now! I'm sorry. I won't be back. You have all the information. Use it. If I'm not there or you can't reach me on that number. You know what to do!" I stood stunned. Her voice. It left me speechess. I don't think she realized I was in the room yet, but Robert sure knew, for he was looking at me with wide eyes.

Suddenly Raine slowly turned towards me, and her jaw dropped. "Fuck!"

I quickly composed myself. "That's not a very ladylike word!" I mocked.

"Okay, I don't have time for this. So I will make it quick. My real name is Selene. Raine is my middle name. I'm also Silence. There is a reason I don't talk, or am seen while I sing. I'm on the run, have been since I was 16, from some fucking psychopath that wants me to himself. Got it?" I nodded quickly. She was on a role. "Good! Now nice meeting you and all, but you won't see me again. Robert, you have my information. I have to leave now. I swore I heard his voice come from the back room, and when he walked out I recognized him. I don't think he saw me. I need to leave NOW!" She rushed.

"Alright, alright. I've had this in case of emergencies. Take it, you might need it." I watched as Robert pulled out a gun and handed it to Raine... I mean Selene. She hurried to take it and then was out the door.

What the fuck just happened?

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