"It's weird you know?"

"What's weird?"

She giggled. "Me not dying."

I flinched. How could she know that? Is this like what she sees when I'm asleep in heaven? Wait, do they know what they see in people's dreams in heaven? If not, how does she know about my dreams? Is this another thing ghosts can do? Or is this an experimental simulation by a ghost to test our mindset after we've resolved a ghosts regret? That doesn't seem convincing. Or is this something that happens when we see a ghost that has a regret that wants us to help them? How can a ghost see into people's dreams anyways?

"How do you know that?"

"I don't. It feels like it."

I gave her a confused gaze. "Huh?"

She laughed. "It feels weird not dying."

"So you prefer to die when you're already dead?"

She nudged my arm. "No. It feels weird because I feel chills."

I didn't get it. It seems like she got it as well.

"Well, you have dreams of me yes?"

I nodded my head. She glared at me. "Dreams of me dying."

"I don't control my dreams." I retorted.

"And I can feel the chills running threw my body. I'm not even alive and I can feel it. Like what kind of dreams do you have that results me into dying? Like I can feel this tingling sensation on my chest! It feels like I've been pierced through! And right here on my hip," she pointed at her right hip, "it feels like something but me!"

"Do you have any decent dream where I don't end up dying?" She glared at me very hard.

The way she's glaring at me is literally giving me chills as well. It's weird getting scolded by a ghost. Especially if it's your dead girlfriend. A ghost lecturing me in this dream like state about dreaming of her dying for who knows how long. This is going to stick in my memory for who knows how long. But this feels nice. Nostalgic even. But why is she scolding me for having dreams about this? I mean it's not like I can control it can I? But then again this dream doesn't feel like a dream at all. It feels like it's the times where everything is normal and no one died.

"It's morbid you know! I feel all icky and tingly all over!"

I rolled my eyes at her. "I get it. You're turning into a Yudetako already."

One of her eyes twitched in annoyance. "I'm not!"

I laughed. "Of course you are. A cute Yudetako."

"Cute?" She blushed.

I just realized what I said. "Yeah."

Embarrassed, we both looked away from each other, I could hear Yume mumbling the words "Oh my god." I felt embarrassed too because I just flirted with a ghost. A ghost who appears to be my dead girlfriend.

"That's just wrong."

"Absolutely." Yume agreed.

Yume cleared her throat and I felt the sand shift, meaning she's facing straight. I followed her actions and her face is glowing red. "Well to be in fact, we didn't break up."

I almost choked. "Yeah?"

"I mean," she hesitated, "I died. I just died. There was no break up."

"That's a fact. But it just means that you're dead."

She nudged me harder. "That's rude."



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