My Date With Death

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My first date with death was nice.

We sat down with each other over a cup of tea in my room. I couldn't really see him but he's kinda tall even though he was nothing more than a misty cloud.

Death didn't say much, but I remember what he said;

"Not yet my dear. I hope we never meet again."

My second date with death happened a month later.

I was on vacation,
we stood on top of a guarded building.
I could see death a bit more clearly.
He has black hair and blue eyes.

He put his hand on my shoulder,
Pulled me away from the leadge.

Death didn't say much, but I remember what he said;

"I love the view darling, almost as much as you. I don't want to meet again."

I had a date with death 2 weeks later.

I was working but we made it a date.
We were alone.
I dived into the pool and sat at the bottom for a long time.
I could see death very clearly now.

Death has a sharp jaw, a small nose and thick full lips.
He grabbed my hand in his large one,
And pulled me to the top.

Death didn't say much but, I remember what he said;

"I thought you hated water. As much as I love to swim, I really don't want to meet you again."

I had a date with Death the same night.

I was laying in my bed.
Wasn't doing anything,
I was just thinking.
Then I started crying,
And couldn't stop.

Death came and sat on my bed.
I could see him.
Almost as you and me.

Death has broad shoulders, long legs, and big arms.

Death dresses sharp,
Black over coat,
Black shirt,
Black pants,
Black shoes,

And carries no blade about himself.

Death pulled me from my bed,
And wrapped me in a hug.
I cried in his arms as he gently rocked me back and forth.
But I couldn't feel him.
It was like he wasn't there.

Death didn't say much, but I remember what he said;

"Dearest. You must stop crying, the dehydration is what is going to kill you. Please do me a favor. I need you to go eat, go get a drink. And please. I never want to see you again.

I had a date with death two years later.

I was driving and I saw a wall of rock ahead.
I slammed on the gas .
Death was in the passenger seat.
I could see him.

He is here.
Death is painfully beautiful.

Death spoke quickly;


I didn't stop.
Death put his hand on my shoulder.
I can feel him now.

Death is cold.

Death said;

"Listen to me. I know you. And I know deep down. You do not want to die. I do not want you to die. I've seen your life. And it's human. Full of faults and torment. But your life is beautiful. Your life...I envy it. It is your own but also shared. With a few. You do not want to die."

I can see the rock wall.
I know I can end it.
End all the voices in my head.
End that pain right here.
Right now.

It will be quick.
But it will all end.

But in the end.....

I still see Death.
But he's a blear.
Something I can just barely see in the corner of my eye.

A smile,
Blue eyes,
A black sleeve,
A cold feeling,

Death didn't say much, but I remember what he said;

"Live a good life."

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