Chapter 2

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As I head towards my room to change I see my best friend Emily leaning against my door, her arms are crossed over her chest and one leg is propped up on the door. "You're up early" she mutters.

"Oh yeah, I was with Xander" I say.

"You you we're at the mountain again weren't you" she sneers.

"Yup" I shamefully admit, caught red handed. I can never hide anything from her, she knows me too well.

"One of these days you're gonna get your ass caught and your mom and dad are going to put you on lock down, if not close watch. And I know you don't want that to happen"

"Can we talk about this on the way? I need to get changed and I don't want to make Fran wait." I say and Emily nods stepping away from the door so I can head in. I walk into my closet and change out of my tank top and pants and into a white and gold dress. My parents want us to dress as if we were royals in the castle, however anywhere else we can dress as we please. I slip on a pair of gold beaded heels before walking over to my vanity to brush out my hair before putting it into a bun.

"I'm going to find out all I can about that mountain. There's something about it that I just cant shake." I say. "And now I have someone to help me" I smirk as we walk out of my room and down the all towards the west castle gate.

"Who is crazy enough to do that?" Emily gapes.

"My sister" I smile.

"What? No way! What are you hanging over that poor girls head?" she gasps.

"Nothing. A deals a deal. I'm helping her with something, and in return, she's helping me" I say.

"What is it exactly that you're helping her with?" she asks.

"You're my best friend and I love you, but that's a secret I can't tell." I say. Technically it's not, but I just dont want word getting to my mom that my sister and I are going out picking fights with people, especially ex guards, for a rogue stallion.

"Oh come on!" she pleads.

"Nope sorry. Guess you'll have to wait till our secret missions over to find out. Something like that is going to be a little hard to hide from mom and dad after it's done. People talk" I say.

"Does anyone else know about this little randevu you and Stephanie are having or is it just you two?" she says.

"Xander's coming with us" I say.

"Of course he is" she rolls her eyes.

"He's essential to this little quest of ours." I say.

"You're gonna give that poor boy gray hairs and he's a year younger than you are!" she slaps my arm.

"Hey, this was Stephanie's idea!" I defend myself.

"You guys made it!" I hear a small voice say and I realize we've already made it to our destination in the commoners village. Every week we come to visit our friend Francesca, who lives in the west commoners village. Commoner or not though, we are all equal here. Francesca makes us food sometimes, whether it's breakfast lunch or dinner, she always makes the best food, for a 14 year old after all. This time she invited us for breakfast, she's practicing for tryouts to make food in the castle, the only problem is, you can't get a spot in tryouts until you're 18.

"Of course we made it. Did you doubt us?" Emily says.

"I'm starving and you make some of the castle food taste like dog food." I laugh. "and you said this one would be a special meal so I came prepared." I say.

"Prepared?" she laughs.

"I don't even think I had dinner last night" I laugh.

"Well prepare your stomachs! This one's the one I'm using for tryout's tomorrow evening!" she shouts eagerly. There's determination in her eyes. She knows they wont let her in, but she's hell bent on trying her luck anyways. "Come in!" She says waving us inside.

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