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Leif's POV
When we get back to the base everyone instantly started to surround Lee and Joshua hugged him tightly (He had to go back because he sprained his ankle), I decided to head to Noi straight away so he would know I was okay, People took Asch and Pierce to the medical wing because they were hurt.

When I opened the door I found Ava and Noi sleeping on the floor, I'm guessing they were hanging out while we were gone.

I pick up Noi and place him on the bed and then grab Ava and lay her against the wall the pull out the bed-couch thingy that Yukimo showed me how to use. Then I placed her in it covering her up with the blankets and laying her head down on a pillow and turned off the TV and went to bed with Noi.

The next Morning
I wake up to constant squeezes and pecks I open my eyes to see Noi in my face with a bright smile of happiness, I chuckle and kiss him back "Are the others okay?" I hear Ava's voice ask and look to see her standing in the doorway of our bedroom.

"Yeah, Asch and Pierce got hurt a little but nothing to serious, we can go visit them if you want." I say and they both nod and we get out of bed and have help finding the medical wing where they were located.

We open the door to Pierce's room to see him laying against the pillow staring at the roof "Hey Pierce!" Ava runs up to him and hugs.

He hugs her back and I see a smile creep up on his face, I look at him with teasing eyes as it was plain obvious they liked eachother, he gave me a glare of death and I chuckle as I feel Noi smack my shoulder motioning for me to cut it out.

"Hey Ava, how are you doing?" He asks her and she smiles.

"Good, are you okay?" She asks and he nods.

"I'm fine, just dropped from a high place that's all, I'll try to be more careful next time." He says and Ava smiles.

"Where's Prince Asch?" Noi asks and I lead him to Asch's room that he was resting in.

Or at least was supposed to be resting, when we walked in we caught him and Rhys making out and I just snort, they quickly break the kiss and look at us with red faces, Noi stood there stunned and we all stood in silence until I said "Oh no Continue will just go back to Pierce!" I said trying to contain my laughter for how embarrassed they must feel.

We leave the room leaving them red faced and walk back to Pierce and Ava laughing our heads off "What's so funny?" Ava asks.

"We just caught Rhys and Asch making out!" I said and Noi elbowed me chuckling.

"Oh? Well I guess there a couple now?" Pierce says and Ava has a look of excitement on her face.

"I'm so happy for them, wait what was their reaction when you walked in on them?" She asks.

"They just looked at us with shocked red faces, it was hilarious." I laughed and sat down on a chair in the room.

Noi sat next to me and said "Okay we'll let's not bug them about it next time we see them though." Noi said and I rolled my eyes as that was the first thing I wanted to do.

"Agreed, they probably weren't ready for anyone to see them like that so that's probably really embarrassed." Ava talks as she gets up "I'm going to the cafeteria to get something to eat, any of you guys want anything?" She asks and we shake our heads and begin to talk about stuff and what happened while we were out.

Sorry I've been gone so long, I didn't know what to write and I guess you can say I've been stuck on a hiatus, anyways I hope to post more chapters soon. Again so sorry I have been gone so long and sorry this is a short chapter.

New love (Noi x Leif)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang