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Warning contains Swears in this chapter and 13+ content

Rhys POV
I was taking a walk around the city getting away from everything that's been happening and decided to continue reading my book at the park but cried half way cause of what happened yesterday I still love Asch but I know he doesn't like me back, I screwed things over with us real bad "Hey you okay?" I hear a voice and turn to see a Human sitting next to me "O-oh yeah j-just I've screwed things ups with my friend." I tell the human he sighs "I know what that's like I screw things up with my friends all the time." He says "So what did you do?" He asks me "O-Oh I told him I was in love with h-him." I say he looks sorry for me "Ouch, what did he say?" "I ran off before he could say anything." "Hmmm?" The human thought then said "Wanna go to a bar drinking always solves my problems?" Drinking does not solve anything don't drink people) the human asks I nod saying I have nothing to loose

When the finished
The man was laughing "AHAHAHA I can't believe we got kicked out!" He was drunk and I was on the verge of drunk "Say I never got your name?" He asks "Oh it's Rhys what's your name?" I ask "Tom, well bye Rhys!" He waves bye and I return home

Leif's POV
We were at home all worrying where Rhys was Asch the most, then we hear a door open and see Rhys come in he looked drunk? "Rhys Where were you? we were all worried sick!" Asch asks Rhys on the verge of tears Rhys looks at him confused "Oh h-hey As-Aschy c-can I tell you s-*Hic*- ome-thing?" Rhys's was stuttering and had completely forgotten he hated Asch cause he was drunk "Ummm what?" Asch was holding Rhys up cause he kept slouching "Y-Your hot, and I'd like to put my dick inside you." Rhys laughs Asch was just a dark red and I started laughing my head off Noi slapped me and that made me laugh even more "Ummm why- why don't you take Rhys to bed Asch." Ava said Asch nodded helping Rhys to bed as I did the same with Noi but he wasn't drunk

Asch's POV
I was helping Rhys to his bed, when I got him in bed and was about to leave he pulls me Down pinning me to the bed "R-Rhys?!" I was probably blushing insanely and saw the lust in his eyes, I knew he liked me but he was probably only doing this cause he was drunk "Your mine~" he whispered in my ear and started to bite down on my neck I couldn't help but moan, he started to grind against me and I was starting to get very heated, so I pulled him off me and ran out of his room locking my room door when I got inside "w-what the heck!" I look in my mirror to see he left a mark when he was biting down "Shit." I say and go to sleep

The next day
Noi's POV
We were all in the living room and when Asch came out of the portal we could see he was beat red "Prince Asch what's wrong?" I ask him he looks at me shocked "Ummm well ummm-." Pierce interrupted us and said "Rhys gave him a hickey and was grinding on him last night cause he was drunk." Leif starts to laugh and we see Rhys by the portal Ruby red "Rhys I didn't know you were the type to be sexual!" Leif was dying of laughter at this point and I wanted to laugh but didn't want to die so I kick him "Leif stop that!" He grabs my leg and pulls me close to him "Hah nope." He chuckles, Asch looks like he about to kill him but doesn't, Rhys just turns back to the portal and probably goes to his room to beat the embarrassment out of himself, I sigh and say "Leif your a jerk." "I know!" "I'm going to Kill you!" Asch begins to chase Leif around the apartment I sigh and lay down Pierce and Ava join in on sitting knowing there is no point in stopping them

???? POV
Heh so those are the otherworldly things They're after huh?

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