Picnic Disaster

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Noi's POV
Me and Leif we're having what humans called a picnic at the park and it was quite relaxing, just being near Leif made me happy so I was glad he wanted to spend all his time with me "Hey Noi?" I turned to Leif as he asked me a question "Yeah?" "D-Do you still like Ava?" He asked worry in his voice why is he asking me that w-what do I say I can't just say nah I love you now that would be weird, he's probably only asking cause he likes her and doesn't want me to get heartbroken cause he thinks I still like her, a-as long as he's happy right? "N-no." I said trying to hold back my tears, he knew I wasn't lying but could see something else was up "What's wrong Noi?" He said comforting me "Nothing-Nothing!" I say trying to look as happy as possible, he let it go not trying to dig much deeper in it "Okay ummm, wanna play memory I brought I deck of Cards?" He brought out the deck of cards a I nodded

A few hours later
We put the deck away and started to eat some more, when I felt a strange fear that someone was watching us.... "LEIF!" I saw that Idiot Tiffany hug Leif from behind rubbing up against him "G-Gah!" He was shocked from her Hug "I never expected to see you outside of the hospital!" She looked exited to see him and sat on the blanket not even acknowledging my existence "Y-Yeah, wait shouldn't you be at the hospital?" Leif asked "O-Oh unmmmm uhhhhh heheh I-its my day off, yeah my day off!" Tiffany said suspiciously "Anyways wanna hang out?!" She begged for him to Still not noticing I'm here "Actually I'm hanging out with Noi." He points at me and looks over finally noticing me and rolls her eyes I slyly grin and Stick my tongue out at her "O-okay how about Saturday we meet here again and can hang out!" She asks "Ummm." He was hesitant I sighed "Y-You can go I'll be fine at the apartment alone." I say Desperate that he would decline but he didn't "Okay." Tiffany squealed and left us "You sure you'll be good all alone?" Leif asks I nod lying

1 hour later
Me and Leif were lying down looking at the sky, when I got that strange fear someone was watching us again, then hear a voice "Hey Noi!" I see John peep his head in front of me "John hey!" I say and sit up we here Leif groan and sit up as well "What are you doing here?" He asks "Me and Leif we're having a picnic." I tell him "Cool, hows your day been so far?" "Good, yours?" "Fine." He responds and sits in front of me putting a hand on my thigh, it made me nervous but I didn't have the guts to tell him to stop, I was afraid of what he'd do to me if I told him to beat it "So you wanna hang out tomorrow?" John asks "Ummm can't, but Saturday could work, saying me and Leif won't be together that day." I see from the corner of my eyes, the fear in Leif's eyes but I ignored it "Sure how about we meet at that corner over they're at 12:00 am." "Sure." I respond making plans with John, he leaves and we go back to talking, Leif kept glaring at John as he left

2 hours later
"It's 7:30 we should head back now." Leif says I nod following him, but for the first time and hopefully last we got lost and ended up going somewhere we don't know about, it was some kind of bridge that goes over some small river so we decided to walk on it hoping it would lead to Avas, when we were half way on it I looked to see the beautiful sunset rising down on the city "Wow it's beautiful." I say Leif stops and joins me "Yeah, but we're probably not close to Avas, look we're on a mountain, we should head down." Leif starts to walk off "Wait, c-can we stay just till the sun goes down?" I ask and saw him smile he nods and walks back over watching the sunset with me

Leif's POV
This would be the perfect time to tell him, man up and tell him how you feel Leif! I thought and looked at Noi "N-Noi!" He looks at me with his beautiful face "C-can I tell you something?" "Of course." Noi says "I-I ummm I-." I was hesitating Noi just looked at me confused "Leif are you okay?" Noi put his arm on my shoulder "I-I." "Leif tell me-." "NOI IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" I say finally spitting it out

No ones POV
Noi and Leif just stood they're as we sun went down, Noi and Leif we're crimson red, Noi felt like he could  cry and said "I-I like you too Leif." He smiled, Leif looked shocked but a few seconds after smiled and kissed him Noi kissed back and they waited till the sun had set and went home

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