No leads & Grave Mistake (2 of 4)

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Read this: Trigger warning

Will be mentions of
- Blood

-The Forced Naughties

-Curse words

-Sexual stuff


I said that just incase people get triggered by the word, I will put a warning like this

When the Forced Naughties come, which will be multiple times, and there will be more parts of this. So you can skip the Forces Naughties part, it'll end with this

And this Chapter will be considered 18+

So if your not comfortable with the Forced Naughties but still want to read this chapter then I advise you skip the parts.

Now let's begin.

Leif's POV———————
It's been a good week since Noi and Prince Asch been kidnapped by those idiots.

We've been trying to find them but we have no leads whatsoever!

I'm getting worried, I swear if John puts his hands on Noi he is so dead! "Leif are you listening?!" I jolt at Ava's voice.

She stood there looking annoyed but understanding why I was probably spacing out "Huh what?" I asked.

"We said we're going to try and search for clues in the upper left of the forest, are you coming or not?" She asks.

"Of course I am! I wanna save Noi after all." I say jumping up.

"Good let's get ready then." Rhys said picking up his books.

"Will meet at the front." Lee says as he heads off Axe behind his shoulders.

I let out a deep breath and Ava looks at me "I understand your worried about him, we're all worried for both Noi and Asch, but they're strong, and whatever they're being put through they'll pull through, I know they will." Ava tried to reassure me and I had to admit it did make me feel better.

"Thanks Ava, umm I'm gonna get ready now." I say and begin to walk off.

"Ah alright! I'll meet you at the front." She says, she was recently learning how to use magic and fight with a sword so she'd been joining us recently when we go out.

I walk back to me and Noi's room, when I get there I search around for my weapons and bag I then come across Noi's necklace he wore from Dameos (Not the necklace the Council gave him to use magic but if look up his character he has a lil fire necklace)

I clench it in my fists and curse myself for letting him get taken "I'll save you Noi, wherever you are I'll find you and get you back, no matter the cost." I tell myself before putting the necklace in my pocket so I had a piece of him to keep close by.

I head back to the front after finding my weapons and head out with the small team that consisted of Lee, leading us, Ava, Pierce, Rhys, Me, Joshua, and Tera.

Noi's POV——————
I try to bend the cell bars just a little to help me slide through but to no avail would it work, and I haven't see Prince Asch since yesterday! Oh what did they do to him?!  

I felt my heart clench at the possible things these sickos could've done when I hear a voice coo "Whatcha doing Noi~" I look up to see John there with a wide grin on his face, squatting down to face me since I was on my knees.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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