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Noi kept running and running to get away from Leif he was so mad with him how he called him weak and That Ava would never love him Noi was in Tears, how could Leif embarrass Noi like that, though he wasn't surprised this was Leif we're talking about, Noi kept running till he hit a dead end "G-Gah!" Noi stops and hears footsteps behind him he turns to see Leif and Ava behind him Leif panting and only came cause Ava told him to apologize to Noi "Noi please come back." Ava said walking towards him Leif following after "No He's mean!" Noi pointed at Leif and turned to cry "Leif apologize!" Ava hit the back of his head "Owwwww fine fine!" Leif agreed walking to Noi "Noi I'm sorry." Leif apologized "I know you don't mean that." Noi pouted "GAH!" Leif yelped Noi turned to see Leif and Ava knocked out cold "AVA, LEIF WH-WHO ARE YOU GUYS!" Noi backed away slowly "The people who will be your worst nightmare!" The man knocked him out cold

A few hours later
Avas POV
"uhhh what happened..." I opened my eyes to see Leif and Noi tied up "G-Gah Noi, Leif?" I questioned than saw three men walk up to me with my phone "Who are you?!" Leif yelled "Yeah and why do you have my phone?!" I asked "Well we're your kidnappers now You're the daughter of Andrew eh, perfect if he wants you and his friends back he'll have to pay 3 million." The guy opens My phone "How'd you know my passcode!?" I was freaked out "My Friend hacked your phone." He points to a guy with a computer "Ghhhhh..." I sigh defeated, he rings up my Dad and when my dad answers "Ava did you and l- wait WHO ARE YOU. WHERE IS AVA!" My dad was mad, the Man puts my phone on a stand showing all three of us and him "Hello Mr. Andrew nice to see you." He says smiling grabbing a knife "Ava, Noi, Leif! What do you want?" My Dad Yells As I see Asch, Rhys, Pierce, and Papa look over it see what's going on "Ah glad you asked well if you don't meet us At the Docks by sundown then One will die." He threatens my Dad "Bring my Baby back now!" My Papa cry's to see me in this position "Not until I get the money!" He yells flipping a table over "Oh please like I'm scared of you, untie me and I'll fight you!" Leif struggled to get out the guy laughed "Hah well guess what not happening!" The guy goes to his face Leif spits in it that was the final straw for him "YOU WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DISRESPECT ME ASSHOLE!" The man grips his knife "NO DON'T HURT HIM PLEASE!" Noi falls over chair falling with him the guy looks over and smiles laughing "Oh don't worry I won't hurt him." He picks Noi and his chair up then grabs his knife stabbing Noi in the chest I just stare as this unfolds tears falling down my face "NOI NO!" I finally yell "THATS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOIR DAUGHTER NEXT ANDREW DOCKS 9:00 SHARP YOU MAY STILL HAVE A SHOT OF SAVING HIM IF YOU DO!" He points at Noi as he stares at his bleeding chest

In a room
One hour later
They've untied us and I've tried to stop Noi from bleeding out with Leifs shirt but they're is so much blood is so hard to watch "GOD DAMMIT!" Leif hits the wall hard with his hand almost breaking it I look over and see irons bars and get a idea "Leif can you break those iron bars over they're!" I point to them he looks over and nods breaking them "Okay good now lift me up then Noi and then yourself and we can get out of here and Get Noi to a hospital!" I say "What's a hospital?" Leif asks lifting me up "Ummmm where healing Sorcerers are, and they'll heal Noi!" I explain in a way he'd understand he looks impressed and hands over Noi I pull him up and see Leif Get out as well "Okay you carry Noi and let's find a way out of here." I say searching for a way to a public place then see the city up ahead I point to Leif and he picks me up with Noi and rushes to the city when we get they're I see My dad and papa with the rest of the Daemos "DAD, PAPA!" I cry they turns and rush to me and hug me "MY BABY ARE YOU OKAY!" My papa Cry's "YES BUT WE NEED TO GET NOI TO A HOSPITAL NOW!" I say Tears flooding my face they nod and Tell Us to get in the car as they drive us to the hospital

Leif's POV
We were in this carriage that I remember Asch did something to something like this a few days ago but that wasn't the point I look down at Noi blood everywhere and think to myself This is my fault Noi's hurt cause of my mistakes I got us Captured cause he ran away cause of me and I shouldn't have spoke Noi wouldn't be hurt if I was quiet, I should've gotten hurt- wait why do I care if Noi's dying I-I hate him, but why do I feel scared he's going to die I'm so confused...
"We're here, Grab Noi come on Leif!" I hear Ava say

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