in Hospital Pt1

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Monday 10:00 Am
Leif's POV
I was in Noi's Room just chatting with him telling him what he's missing at Avas apartment "So how are things here?" I ask him "Pretty good, I've made a friend named John, he has been touching me a lot but is very friendly and around Our age as well, you should meet him." He says, I get mad that someone is touching Noi I don't know why I'm getting so protective of Noi but I don't care anymore I won't let anyone take him from me Not even Ava, or else there will be consequences "Mmm, S-Sure id 'love' to meet him." I groan getting mad "Are you okay Leif you look mad?" I turn to face Noi, and started to calm down, that adorable face of his, his Orange eyes, and Calming angelic smile, I'd love to kiss those small lips of his... It just hit me I-I'm in love with Noi! I know I probably sound stupid just realizing this but from the way I'm acting I can't hide it anymore I love him to much my heart was pounding at this point, face as hot as fire "Yeah yeah I'm fine, just umm how does he touch you?" I ask him hoping it's not what I think it is, Noi gets up from the blanket as I help him and sits on the bed "Like this." He puts his hand on his thigh running it Up his leg around to his back, I was steaming with anger at this point "N-Noi I don't think John is trying to be just friends and I think he's to friendly for you." I say trying to put it easy on him, he looks at me confused "What do you mean?" He was to innocent to realize what was going on "I think he's trying to flirt with you." I say out in the open he just looks at me Shocked "O-oh ummm, I'll talk with him about that, anyways change of subject!" Noi try's to change the subject "How about what do you wanna do when I get out of the hospital?" He asks you I think to myself but try not to say that "Hmmm how about we watch movies cause the Healing sorcerer said you can't move much unless you want to heal." I explained he nodded "Wait what are movies?" He quickly asked "Oh we all watched one last night, called mean girls it was really funny, this one girl Regina George got hit by this thing called a bus." I told him he look at me not surprised I laughed "Of course you laughed at that." He said smirking "No she deserved it she was so rude." I could barley speak but managed Noi started laughing with me

A few Hours later
Me and Noi we're talking and then we heard a door open we look to see The healing sorcerer Dr. Piper, and A woman i think they called a healing sorceress her name was Tiffany I believe, she was always flirting with me it was annoying "Hello Leif and Noi." The Sorcerer says "Hello." We both day in unison "We've come to bring Noi his food, and give him certain pills." Tiffany puts the food on this Tray in front of Noi and she winked at me and Dr. Piper but this small thing down "Just swallow that Noi and you'll be good for today." He says leaving "Bye Leif~" Tiffany says blowing a kiss and winking at me again I hear Noi groan and look over to see him pouting I smirk "Jealous?" I ask he playfully punches me in the arm and picks up the So called pill "How do I use this?" He asks I shrug "Swallow it like the Doctor said." He nods and swallows it but couldn't "I-I can't it's s-so ha-hard." He struggles to breath so I make him spit it out "How do we use this?" I ask myself and look at the glass of water beside us I pick it and the pill up and hand these to Noi "Try putting it in you mouth and drinking water that always helped me swallow my food better." I say he nods doing it and he swallowed the pill this time  "T-Thanks." He stuttered I smile at how cute he was  and nod

Tuesday 8:00 pm
Noi's POV
"Uhnnn can't believe I have to leave in 30 minutes, I want to stay over night..." I laugh as Leif Whines "You can only stay if your family or My boyfriend and your not so to bad." I teased but almost fainted at what he Said next "Then May I be your Boyfriend~" he said Slyly "L-LEIF WHAT THE HECK!" I felt my face heat up and started hitting him he only laughed "Hahaha sorry sorry, I just wanna stay with yoooooou~" he poked my nose and I sighed then we heard a cough from behind we looked over and See that Idiot nurse Tiffany who's always getting to close to Leif n-not that I care but ifs annoying it's obvious Leif doesn't like her so why bother am I right "H-hey Leif~" she winked I just rolled my eyes and Groaned she look over and gave me a disgusted look I smirk "Visiting hours are almost over if you want I can drive you home it's pretty late anyways hehe~" she grabbed his arm rubbing against him I got very angry and grabbed Leif away from her "I'm sorry but he's not interested!" I tried staying as calm as possible all she did was Give me more disgusted looks trueing to be nice "I'm sorry Noi if you got the wrong impression of me Just giving a request to someone I consider a 'Friend' it gets very dangerous at night anyways with all the thugs and thieves, Kidnappers, Rapists!" She tried to convince Leif I only got more protective "He can take care of him-self he's strong and Good at fighting!" I pulled him closer to my chest "Ummm you know what I'll, I'll just walked home Tiffany, c-can you leave I'm trying to enjoy the rest of the time I have with my friend." He says annoyance in his voice she pouts and walks away looking back at me I stick my tongue out as I won this battle she roles her eyes and groans. Leif looks back at me smirking "Okay why so protective bud?" He asks me, my face heats up "Y-you obviously don't l-like her so I w-was helping you." I say "Hm suuuure, Mr. Jealous." He laughs and I just pout

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