
"They look terrible" I laughed.

"They're not that bad," Reagan said.

"They're black! And they're sugar cookies" I exclaimed. We got distracted and they burnt.

"Whatever. At least we tried" she mumbled throwing the plate of burnt cookies in the trash can. "Should we make something else?"

"No. This is clearly a sign that neither of us should ever be near a kitchen. Ever" I laughed.

"Well, what should we do now?" She asked.

"I don't know."

"Wanna go shopping?" Reagan suggested.

"Jacobs out, how would we get there? Plus it's Christmas Eve so it'll be super busy." I remained her. Sometimes Reagan forgot these small details.

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that." She mumbled. "Ok, I'm all out of ideas."

"Me too" I sighed jumping on to the couch.

"Hey," Jacob said walking through the front door, Abby was walking behind him dragging bags behind her.

"What did you guys get?" I asked. Abby had at least 5 bags.

"Nothin" Abby laughed. I suspiciously looked at her as she dragged her bags into Jacob's room. Jacob laughed and followed after her.

"What do you think she got?" Reagan laughed.

"Probably some terrible gift that's she thinks we will love," I said thinking back to the previous Christmas's. Last year she got me a dog toy, I appreciated it none the less. Jacob lets her get whatever she wants so there have been very interesting gifts in the past.

"She's adorable so it's okay"

"Ya," I agreed as a small smile crept over my lips. "What should we do tonight?"

"We should watch a movie!" Abby shouted from somewhere in the apartment. I'm not even sure how she heard us.

"I'm down," Reagan said.

"What movie?" I asked, finding a movie we all agreed on was basically mission impossible. "We need to watch a Christmas movie!"

"What about the grinch?" Reagan suggested. I was about to answer when Jacob beat me to it.

"No, Abby's scared of it" Abby nodded in agreement.

"Why?" Reagan laughed. Abby glared at her, which was honestly just cute.

"The big green monster is scary!" Abby exclaimed.

"Anyways, What other ideas does everyone have?" I asked.


"NO!" Everyone except Abby yelled. I think we could all agree we were sick of that movie.

"It was just a suggestion" Abby sulked. Her pronunciation was horrible but she had a bigger vocabulary than most kids her age.

"Elf?" Reagan asked. Jacob groaned but none the less complied.

"Ok Reagan and I are on snacks, Jacob you put the movie on and Abby you get blankets" everyone got straight to work.

I grabbed all the junk food I could find. We had lots since Jacob just went grocery shopping.

"Jacob where's the ice cream?!" Reagan asked.

"I didn't get any."

"You had one job!" She yelled flailing her arms.

"You never told me to get ice cream!" He defended himself.

"I shouldn't have had to!"

"Chill. We have lots of food" I intervened before Reagan tackled him. From past experience, it is something she would definitely do.


We were halfway through the movie. I was laying on the couch my feet draped in Reagan's lap. Abby was fast asleep in Jacob's arms.

I'm not even sure how she fell asleep so fast. Something about the tv just knocks her out, which comes in handy.

"Is there any more chocolate?" Reagan asked.


"Seriously you ate it all," Reagan said glaring at Jacob.

"No, you did!" He exclaimed. This whole night has been like this.

"Oh, my bad."

"Liv can you pass me the bag of gummy bears?" I threw the bag at Jacob's head.


"Drama queen" I laughed. I heard a knock on the door and everyone's heads snapped in that direction.

"Are you guys expecting anyone?" Reagan asked carefully. Everyone has been out of it since Logan happened.

"No" I walked toward the door. I opened the door and came face to face with the last person I expected to see.


A/N: If you have any suggestions or anything please leave them in the comments.

So people are nominating books at thefictionawards  which I didn't even know was a thing but it would mean a lot to me if you would nominate Broken! You totally don't have to but I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much for commenting and supporting this book.

Every single vote and comment I get makes my day, I love all of you guys so much! This chapter isn't my greatest, I rewrote it multiple times but I just can't get it right, so sorry it sucks :/

Vote and comment. Xx

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