"Probably?" I cut him off and glare.

He completely ignores me, it's like I didn't even say a word. "—homophobic," okay not ignoring me then by the stress in that one word and the glare. "Against drugs, a prim and proper home boy and have never thrown a punch in your entire life."

"I'm not homophobic," I say, my voice lower and close to a whisper.

Jamal leans in closer and whispers back, "really? What are you then?"

I glare at him, ignoring his question. "Homosexuality is a sin." It's like it's not even my own voice.

Jamal looks like he's about to slap me but he sighs and leans back into his seat. "I'm not doing this with you."

Thank God.

"Yeah and I'm not probably straight, I'm straight."

He shakes his head at me, "I've seen the way you look at Lou, you have to consider being at least bisexual."

"I don't look—" I stop myself there because Jamal and I have had this conversation before and it leads no where. "Can we go back to Sky?"

"Please, before I jam your teeth in."

I roll my eyes, "the things you said, half are just rumors. He might be be different."

"There's no smoke without fire Issy and sure he might be different," Jamal smirks. "He said he'll see you today right? I dare you to find out."

I scoff, not playing into anything he's planning. "Sorry Mal but you know only a stupid person would act on your dare and I'm not stupid so, no thanks friend."

"You're such a bore, if my ex was dating you she would have killed herself just for an out." He fires and we burst out laughing. "Or killed you to save herself and other unlucky person that might fall into your trap."


Sky didn't come. He didn't see me like he said he would and I suspect he didn't even come to school.

After school and parting ways with Mal, I waited in the parking lot for him or any sign of his truck but I saw none. I had to leave so the events of yesterday don't repeat themselves again but I followed a long route, one that would eventually lead me to the junction Sky said I should drop him off. I idled there for minutes but there was no sign of him and I left with a heavy heart.

My disappointment at not seeing him was startling. I never knew I was looking forward to it this much and just one meeting and I already want to see him again. Well, I don't miss him like that, it's just he was good company and his smile was refreshing. And it wouldn't be bad to tell him thanks again, he really did me a solid with the headlights.

I arrive home early and I help Ma prepare dinner. Nessa comes back from work about the same time dad does and after dinner and night prayers, I go up to my room to do some assignments. I open my book but end up just looking at the words on the page like they are foreign, my hand unconsciously scribbling on the paper. It's no surprise when I snap back to reality and see that I've scribble the name Sky all over my page. I quickly tear it out blushing profusely and tossing my books away, switching it for my laptop.

I go unto Facebook and search Sky Hunt. I don't know what has taken over me but I really want to do this and I know if I don't, I won't sleep well this night. His name and face pops on and I immediately click it, a little bit impatient. I pout when I see that there's no much on his account, it looks like it's been dormant for a while. The most recent picture is dated seven months back. I click on the picture nevertheless and his smiling face comes into view. He's not smiling at me but seeing his smile makes me smile too.

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