(37) Superhero AU

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Complete list of effects of the generas that we were able to test:
Country - Calm
how it starts:
Whichever emotion the person or people were feeling beforehand will be replaced with easiness no matter if the person enjoys this type of music or not (it's the same with the rest of the generas)
You have to make sure before the song ends to make a deadline where the effect ends or else the effect will end immedietly after the song ends. It's pretty much the same with the rest of the generas as well.

Hip-Hop - Hypnosis
how it starts:
The victim(s) will start doing any command the person says with. The victims will only
feel as their mind is blank.
They do not remember what they did/ who they were with/ neither where they got a
specific item from.

Metal - Berserk/ Instant Death
how it starts:
My voice is like a loud speaker that get's into anyones mind (unless their def) most people end up dying instantly after the first line. If they're used to blasting music then it will take a couple of songs for two effects either death or their brain cells melt or mix up which causes them to go berserk.
If the person enjoys listening to Metal the victim will go berserk. Depending on how many times they've listened to this genera the past weekdepends the percentage of dying or not from 10%-99%

Pop - Energetic
how it starts:
This has the same effect as singing country except everyone will start bombarding you and it'll practically turn into an actual concert as if you were famous.
This effect has no deadline so depending on how fast the person wears themselves out is where it ends. The victim won't sleep for weeks if they do not do physical and mental work which makes them goes into a coma for 3-8 weeks.

Punk Rock - inraged
how it starts:
Practically hypnosis but the victim will start to feel angry and loose sight on what they are doing or fighting for and destroy everything else around them.
If your within their sight they will attack you even after you stop singing.

Rock - Support
how it starts:
It works in two ways the victim has to listen and stay concious to start healing/ gaining strength/ or basically whatever the person is lacking on. Or in the extreme case of a person needing to be healed and they collapse/ faint you have to kiss them and sing the song in your head or else it won't work. You can also heal yourself if you put your hands over your mouth and sing.
You will collapse or faint yourself if you overuse your support power. You cannot heal permanent damage in fact if you try you will just be waisting energy and lead into a coma.

Techno - Paralisis
how it starts:
The person's body won't be able to move until you stop singing or knock them out, they will also stay in the same position no matter what, it's like they forgot how to move.
It effects everyone around you or whoever hears your song, so civilians also won't be able to get away.

Other Things Reguarding Your Power:
Anyone around you will become affected so you must be careful nobody else is around. It works on any living organism plants, animals, humans, all of them. If you are singing a song based on how you are feeling at the moment everyone and everything around you will start feeling that way, so you make sure to keep your emotions in check.

And that is practically it, there isn't much else to really say about it. But because my power was really unique everyone thought I would use it against them so they never crossed me. In fact everyone practically trembled at the sight of me which left me with no friends for most of my life. But it later changed when I got accepted into one of the best private high schools in the state, P.T. High School, they help increase your power and increase your chances in becoming a hero around the country. But of course when there are heros there are armies of villians, some way more powerful than most.

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