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Victor has the same gruesome smile on his face that he's had since World War Two. One that I wish I could forget about as I seem him sitting at my kitchen table, one of his claws carving the wooden surface. Have I really let my guard down that much over the past year to not notice that he had been sneaking around. 

"Come now Little Lioness-"

"Don't call me that!" I growled as he chuckles, I've hated that name ever since he gave it to me. It brings up a horrible past that I rather much forget. A past filled with so much rage, a past where I was so much like my brother. "What the hell do you want Victor?" Staying in my spot near the stairs, Victor gets up and walks to the fridge grabbing a beer easily popping the lid off.

"What makes you think I want anything dear sister." He says then takes a sip of the drink as he sits back down. "Well sit," he gestures to the chair across from him, "Why don't we catch up. Tell me all about this boy." Oh how I wish I could wipe that god damn smirk off of his face.

"There's nothing to tell." Glaring at my brother as I sat down. Being around him puts me on edge, I never know what he's planning and Victor uses that as an advantage. I could plan ahead but he would somehow always be one step ahead. Victor takes another sip of his drink, the tension in the room growing thicker.

"Is that so? He seems to be over quite a lot." Shit, shit, shit. You idiot, how could you let your guard down. Victors grins seems to grow, sensing my panic. "If you stayed with the team then maybe your senses wouldn't have dulled."

"Oh go to hell Victor." I growled, letting my nails grow into claws

"Only if I get to take you with me Lioness."


~ 3 Days Later~

~ Edward P.O.V. ~

"Hi! This is Amelia, I can't come to the phone right now. So leave your name and number and I'll get back as soon as I can. Bye!" The voicemail of the red haired girl was that the bronze haired boy had been getting for the past few days. To say he was worried was an understatement, if his grip was any tighter, his car would no longer have it's steering wheel. When Edward arrived at Amelia's house her truck was in the shared driveway, the question was, was the girls motorcycle in the garage? As he got out of his car, Edward saw Charlie walk over to him, a confused look on the mans face.

"She hasn't been with you?" Charlie has asked and the bronze haired boy shook his head. Opening the garage door the two saw that the mate black motorcycle along with the one that Amelia had been fixing up were still sitting there. "I don't like this." Charlie mumbled, grabbing his keys from his pocket. Amelia had given him the spare key to her home after she had moved back last year. The scene inside the house was something neither was prepared for, furniture was torn and broken, claw marks were everywhere. The kitchen seemed to be the worse, the table had been thrown across the small room, two of the chairs were in pieces. On one of the broken pieces of covered in a brown color which a few days ago would have been a scarlet red. If his heart had been beating still, it would have made its way into his throat. What happened after he left? Should he have stayed longer? As Edward stared at the floor, Charlie was making his way around the house trying to find something that would help him understand what happened to one of his best friends. That's when he noticed the back door, it too looked as if it was broken but put back into it's place to make it look like nothing happened unless someone was to actually come inside the house. 

"Shit" Charlie muttered as things started to click into place, moving quickly into the living room the chief started looking for the spare phone Amelia kept hidden for emergencies. Moving fallen objects off of the coffee table to access the hidden drawer he found what he was looking for. The small silver communicator.

"Chief, what is that?" Edward asked looking at the small device.

"Hopefully our way to find 'Mia" He answered before clicking one of the buttons, the communicator then started glowing before an image  of a woman with silvery-white hair appeared.


A/N Kinda a filler chapter, posting a day later than planned but I'm going to push The Wade and Amelia Show to next week. Also what do you guys think about the new cover?

 Also what do you guys think about the new cover?

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