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We had been in Phoenix a few hours now, I was in the living area with Alice and Jasper. Both of them staring at the blank t.v., Bella had just woken up a minute ago and wouldn't touch the food that Alice ordered. She just stared at her phone, I was sitting in a chair eating a sandwich while reading a book that Chuck still wrote when he was alive. If you don't know who Chuck is, it's the nickname Lo gave Charles Xavier. It just kinda stuck, on the blank page in the front of the book was a note from the said professor. I found it in my room in New York one day, next to it was a list of books and class lessons for the class he taught. Chuck is one of the reasons why I went to school in the first place. 

"I wish he would call" Bella said once she got out of the bedroom of the hotel suite.

"You should eat." Alice told her

     "They could get hurt. It's not worth it."

"Yes, It is." Jasper said, Bella had this look of shock on her face. Jasper never talked to her. "Kyle's  changed since he found you. And none of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you." I could easily understand what Jasper meant, I almost went through that with Lo when Kayla died, Stryker shot him with bullets that are made of the same material that coats his bones.  "What do you see?" Jasper asks Alice, pulling me from my thoughts.

"The Tracker, He just changed course" Alice's voice was full of worry as the blonde gave the pixie haired girl a pencil and pad of paper. She then began drawing.

"Where will it take him?"

"Mirrors, it's a room of mirrors." Mirrors? 

  "How do the visions work? Kyle said they weren't always certain."

    "She sees the course people are on, while they're on it. If they change their minds, the visions change." Jasper answered Bella.

 "So the course James is on now will lead him to... a ballet studio?"

"You've been there?" I asked beating Alice to it.

"No, I don't know." It's a simple yes or no Bella. "I use to take ballet lessons as a kid. The school had an arch like that." 

"Was it here in Phoenix?"

"Yeah, around the corner from my house. But I haven't been there in ten years."

"Any reason to go there now?"

"No. Hell, no. I hated the place." Well, you are a klutz Bella, so no wonder you hated it. But why would James go to a Ballet Studio? What's the meaning behind it? Is it just because it was Bella use to go to? That is when Bella's phone goes off, she jumps about a foot before she looks at it. "Kyle, are you alright?....This is my fault, you warned me, but I didn't think. I just.... No... we can't. When will you get here?" I slammed my book shut grabbing my bag leaving the room.

"I'm heading down to the lobby." I grunted, needing to get out of the dark room. 

"Catch." Jasper said tossing me the keys to his car. "I'll meet you in the front."

"Aye, aye Captain." I gave Jasper a mock salute. Once I got to the elevator I sighed and pulled out my phone. Five missed calls and a dozen texts, all from Charlie, the poor kid. When calling him back it went to voicemail, he must be trying to call me as well. "Hey kid, I'm heading to the store a little bit away from where Isabella and I are staying. I don't know what she said to you but I hope you are doing okay. I'll try and convince her to come home, I've personally have had enough of life on the road. I'll call you again soon. Be safe kid." Putting my phone back into my bag I go outside and grab the car, bringing it to the front of the hotel. Jasper got there a few minutes afterwards with a couple of bags. 

"How are you holding up Amelia?" He asked

"I need a few drinks, like strong ones." I said and Jasper chuckled, we walked back into the hotel lobby and over to the desk were Alice was. "So, we meeting the others at the airport?" Alice nodded before asking if I could go check on Bella, sighing I reluctantly went back up to go get the said brown haired girl.

"Son of a bitch" I said when Bella wasn't in the room. Getting back to the lobby and running outside past Jasper and Alice, I tried to see if Bella was still close by. "Damn it, that idiot."  

"She went to the Ballet Studio." Alice said when her and Jasper got outside. "I just had a vision."

"You two take the car."

"What are you going to do run?" Jasper asked

"I can be out in the sun, you two can't. Call the others, get to the studio as quick as you can."

"Can you really get there in time?"

"With any luck, the cab gets stopped a few times. Besides James isn't the only tracker."


It took me about an hour, but I somehow managed to beat the idiot who is on a suicide mission. A yellow cab pulls up to the studio and out comes Bella.

"W-what are you doing here!?!? He's going to kill my mom!" Bella shrieked 

"He has Rene?" I asked, there is no way she could be here. Bella rushed past me and into the building before I could stop her, so the only other thing I could do was follow her into the building. 

"Bella? Where are you?" A voice said sounding like Rene

"Something isn't right about this." I said as Bella rushed towards the door. When she opens the door there's a t.v. playing a video. A set up. "Bella get out of here now!" I said only to be thrown across the room as James laughs.

  "Sorry. But you really made it too easy." James grins before pointing to the video camera "So to make things more entertaining, I'm going to make a little film of our time together. Borrowed this from your house. Hope you don't mind." He then turns on the camera. I get up and start running towards him as he gets closer to Bella. I manage to tackle him, but in doing so I hear a sickening crack come from my right shoulder.  "You, are a pain in the ass." he said

"Long as it keeps you away from her." I barked, and I could feel my shoulder slowly put itself back into it's normal place. The son of a bitch just smirks, then he's next to me in a second. "Bella get out of here!" I drew my claws out and did my best to fight James. It was different than fighting other mutants and humans. I was ten times to slow and I hated it. I could barely keep up with the bastard. As I was about to swipe at his face, James grabs my arm crunching it and I let out a pain filled scream.

"I'll deal with you later." He says throwing me into one of the mirrored covered walls, breaking the mirrors and my head hitting the concrete behind it before falling to the floor. Everything was blurry as I heard Bella scream before things went black. 

Worlds Collide Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now