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It was dark by the time I got to the Cullen House. The garage doors were open and the lights were on, when walking up to the garage everyone was talking and moving around, all except Rosalie.

"So, what did I miss?" I asked putting my hands into my jacket pockets.

"Amelia! Where were you? Who was that guy?" Bella asked in a rapid tone. 

"None of you're business Isabella," I said somewhat harshly " You don't need to know everything." With Victor being around and the red eyes possibly being near, now was not to time to talk about this. "I'm going back to Charlie's."

"No, you're going with Bella" Kyle said

"Really kid? I'm not babysitting, I am going to my best friend and make sure he doesn't get hurt." I glared at Kyle as he glared back at me.

"Now is not the time for this." Carlisle said putting his hand on Kyle's shoulder "Amelia, unfortunately Bella said that you were going with her." My eyes shifted towards the brown hair girl, glaring at her even more so then I did with Kyle. 

"What's the plan." I growled, Eddie gently took his hand in mine after calming me down slightly.

"You, Bella, Jasper and Alice are going south." Carlisle said and I nodded reluctantly. Rosalie and Esme were going to stay behind and keep Charlie safe while the others would try and through James off the trail. Rosalie was also very reluctant to help as Kyle hand her Bella's jacket. I walked over to her and leaned against the garage counter. 

"Rosalie, please do your best to keep Charlie safe." I said as we watched the others move to and fro. Getting cars ready with everything that we would possibly need. 

"I don't like this." Rosalie grunted

"And neither do I, I've known Charlie since he was a teenage. He's family to me and if Bella didn't say I was going with her I would stay here and keep him safe." I got a surprised look from the blonde once I had said this.


"I think I'll be 176, kinda loose track after a while." I lightly chuckled "I'll tell you and the others more after this is all done."

"If we're not all dead."

"Killing me will be a lot hard then it looks." That's when Alice came up to the two of us and said it was time to go. "Here, you'll probably like my jacket more than Isabella's." Rosalie said thanks once I gave her my leather jacket. I walked over to Eddie to say goodbye to him for the short while we would be apart, but before I could he pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back before he opened the car door for me. 

"Stay safe."

"I went through four wars, I think I'll be okay. You on the other hand Eddie need to stay safe." I got in the car and Eddie closed the door, it would be another minute before we left as Kyle and Bella were saying their goodbyes, in a very cringe worthy manner. It was after that, that Jasper drove out of the garage and down the drive way, after Alice told me we were going to Phoenix, I laid my head against the window and tried to fall asleep

(Somewhat of a short chapter, bit of a filler, more coming soon) 

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